For the Girl

My mother and aunts have been cleaning out Mom-Mom's house, getting ready to put it on the market, and they came across the eyelet dust ruffle that used to be on her bed. They were about to throw it away (she had cut it to fit around her hospital bed), but my mother thought that I could re-purpose it somehow.

And somehow I did.

My first thought was a little petticoat for Spenser. It's for her dress-up drawer and will go perfectly with her bloomers, pinafore and mob cap. I {heart} dress-up clothes. I would totally wear this set if I could...

The second idea I had was to make a skirt similar to what Miss Chris did. This skirt set is actually one piece. The petticoat is sewn into the top skirt. I wanted the skirt to be a little longer and prairie-like for Spenser. After I finished sewing it, it would appear that the petticoat hangs down a little longer than I like. I think I'll have to fix that before she wears it.


Karyn said…
nikko said…
Wonderful! What a great use of eyelet. How could they throw that away? ;o)
Rory said…
I love both your creations, but I especially love that "Mom Mom" was so classy as to have a bed skirt on her hospital bed. I bet she was a special lady!
Anonymous said…
And yes, I also wish I could wear dress up clothes too. I suppose that is one reason I belly dance. :) The costumes are too fun.
I can only imagine the treasures being unearthed at Mom Mom's house. I have so many things from my own grandma's house and I feel so greatful for that connection with her every time I use them.
V and Co. said…
oh i think it turned out super cute! my girl wont wear anything girly at the moment (driving me crazy over here!) so no more skirts for a little while. it's all about comfy stretch pants for her...bleh!!!
misschris said…
It turned out so cute! I like it with the contrasted fabric. How smart of your mom to know you could do something with that pretty eyelet ruffle. I think Mom-Mom would adore it, don't you?
lisa said…
I don't know. I kind of like it that way. I would wear it, but of course I say that about most of the clothes in the little girls department.
Kris said…
So sweet! So pretty!
vintagechica said…
So cute! And so glad to read below that your little man is recovering? I will add you all to my prayer list until you find out the results. Many blessings tonight!
Amanda Jean said…
so cute it hurts! and i would so wear something like that if i could pull it off. maybe I need dress up clothes, LOL.
Diane said…
Super cute. I've been wanting something like this for myself... so if I come across something like a dust ruffle, I could make a matching set for my daughter and me! Thanks for a great repurposing idea.

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