Mob Cap & Pinafore

Recently I purchased an older copy of The Children's Year. It is filled with ideas of things to make for children, with children, or to be made by children. I couldn't resist making the "mob cap" for Spenser for her dress-up drawer.

And every mob cap deserves its own eyelet pinafore. Don't ya think?

**pinafore information: I sewed a similar one last year which I adapted from a simple dress pattern.**


Emily said…
They are fun to make and to have in every little gurl's wardrobe! Very Nice!
Karyn said…
Cute cap!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
So cute! I have that book sitting next to me right now... I just need a little girl to make things for!
Amanda Jean said…
ack! if that isn't the cutest little set of dress up clothing ever!!! I LOVE it.
Anonymous said…
how do you like the book? I have a four year old son but my other children are older...ten and thirteen...I didn't know if maybe my ten year old might like some of the projects as well. I have seen some other bloggers that have made projects from this book and it looks wonderful...
misschris said…
I was thinking something along these lines while watching Pride and Prejudice! Very cute. fun to make for.
Anonymous said…
are you reading my mind? i swear this is about 2 down on the project list!
Anonymous said…
i'm sorry - didn't mean to be rude! your is soooo cute!
Very cute! I can just imagine her wearing it.
Chara Michele said…
What a cute & fun set for her dress up drawer!

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