The Big Three

No, I'm not talking about "The Big Three" automakers. I'm talking about my blog birthday!

Today is my third blog birthday. Three. Years. Man, time flies.

In honor of my birthday, I am having a giveaway. You don't have one chance to win. Or even two chances. You have three chances to win.

I have three snowman dish towels and three bars of handmade chocolate-mint soap that need new homes.

Just leave a comment (on this post) for a chance to win. If you can, please tell me how you found my blog, how long you've been visiting, and if you have a favorite/most memorable post, please share it. I will randomly pick three names some time on Wednesday.

* * * * * *

Wow! Where have you been all my bloggy life? I can't believe all the wonderful comments I've gotten on this post. Thank you! I wish I had 67 snowman towels and bars of soap to giveaway to send to each of you.

I used a random number generator to pick the winners of this giveaway. They are as follows:

Another Amy

Please email me your address, and I'll pop them in the mail! Thanks for reading my blog and thanks for your kind comments.


LunaMoonbeam said…
Oh goodness...I actually have no idea how I found you...or even how long ago! It seems like ages. I know I found you in 2008. I probably came for a WFMW post and stayed because you were an awesome LDS Mama to Many in New England. (I relocated to New England with my small brood this past Spring, so I was looking for some inspiration!)
mlc2boys said…
Congrats!! I have only just recently found your blog (about 3 months ago) but I enjoy your mom/craft perspective that I check almost every day for new posts! I have really enjoyed your positive outlook on being a mother and know that if you can get that much done with your children, I can get a few things done with my two... thanks and keep up the great work. P.S. what inspires you to post? I hope to have the creative energy to try this some day! Happy Blogday!
mimi said…
I have enjoyed your blog so much. I found you through a friends blog last summer. I have enjoyed your hunts for pyrex dishes and for vintage fabrics. I have enjoyed your sewing projects and watching your adorable family grow up. Keep up the good work mom!
nikko said…
I remember finding you after you won fabric at Sew Mama Sew (how long ago, I'm not sure...), and I clicked on your link and within minutes of perusing your blog I knew you were a kindred soul. ;o)

Happy Blog Birthday!
Blogful said…
I've been lurking about six months. I found you via another favorite lurk--crazy mom quilts. I love your blog because you inspire me. I also sew (quilt mostly, though my baby got a Black Apple doll for Christmas). I am LDS though I don't live in UT either. I run, and I am a mother. Your blog is very uplifting and reassuring and always gives me good ideas about keeping on track and keeping the faith. Good work! -from FL.
Karyn said…
Okay, I think that my first comment on your blog was on September 27th, 2006. It might have been earlier, but I don't have time to go back any further just this moment.

Okay. Bergers cookies???? YUMMMM!!! They look like they are worth the trip to Baltimore!

And, on September 20th, 2006 you bought the Stitch'n'Bitch book so you could learn how to knit!!!! Do you know how to knit yet??????

I love you blog and I love you and I love your family and I've been lucky enough to actually meet all of you and for that I am very very very grateful. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!!!! I'm getting all teary.
erica e said…
happy blog birthday! 3 sounds really long to me in blog years. i want your soap.
V and Co. said…
i love your blog and i especially think it's cool that you make your own skirts and love pyrex.
I loved Rainbow Legs! I have no idea how I found your blog but have been reading for quite a while. I follow you through google reader so I read every time you post something new. Thanks for sharing our time with all of us!
Stacey said…
I have no idea how I found your blog...I got lucky!!!

I have been visiting for about 6 months now and my favorite posts are about your fabulous shoe collection and the "candy corn" themed items!
I love shoes and Halloween so you hit the spot with those...congrats on the 3rd year.
diana said…
It has been years!! i found you through arttsycraftybabe. I do not really have a favorite post.. i have enjoyed reading everything you have written!!!
Beth said…
I'm not sure how I found you, but I think it's been over a year since I started visitng.

The story about the boys turning over the couch at the birthday party sticks with me...
Anonymous said…
The soap! The soap!

Count me in please...

(the word verification thingy just below is spelling a very dirty little phrase. I won't repeat it, but it's making me laugh.)
Anonymous said…
ok. i am not posting because i want the gifts(i am lucky enough to already have both) i just looked through 2006 and 2007 and finally decided i do not have any one post that i love but several. ok here we go....any birthday posts of your kids or yourself, posts about your dear sister, Krissy, and the most recent post of your Favorite Pyrex piece(so glad that you happy, makes me smile). and just to let you know, i check your blog first thing in the morning before doing anything else on the computer. I love your family and love being your Friend! You are an amazing mother,wife, sister, daughter and friend!
Mary Sarah said…
Hi! I found your blog thru Karyn's blog, Trailmix Designs. I love reaading about everything you do ... sewing, soap, cooking, and your kids. Congratulations and Thanks!
Jessica said…
Ooohhh, How I love giveaways. I'm not sure how long I've been visiting. 6-8 months, maybe? I found you through Amandajean ~ when she sent you an aqua/red apron. So whenever that was....I also remember the first post I read was about your lunch with GWB.

I'm not sure if I have a favorite post of yours or not. I love hearing how life with 4 boys (+ Spencer & Sawyer) always seems to keep you on your toes. I especially love stories about your Carter ~ because I suspect our Carter's are a lot a like! :) Oh, and of course I always love seeing new Pyrex eye candy!
Congrats on your blogs Bday!! :)
Unknown said…
I don't remember how I found it. I think it was through a blog and though another blog. You know how that goes....

I have been visiting for a while now. I really like the crafting posts.
Ashley Ann said…
Happy birthday! Unfortunately I have no idea how I found your blog or how long I've been reading it. I do recently remember loving your button snowman towels. So cute!
Brenda said…
You are my favorite blog. Please don't ever leave. Congradulations
I honestly can't remember exactly how I found your blog... probably through someone else's blog.
I started my blog this last SEpt. so I began a search to find other Moms with the same interests and similar families to mine.
So it was probably SEpt. or Oct. that I started reading here.
Happy 3rd anniversary!
Anonymous said…
Hummm, I started following your blog a couple of months ago, and I'm pretty sure I found you through another blog, though I can't remember whose. I've meant to de-lurk many times before this, but have always gotten pulled away from the computer by little hands needing my help. I too am an LDS blogging and crafting mama to five who had a younger sibling called home early.

For me, your most memorable posts have been about your sister and the two young youth in your ward who were killed in the car accident a few weeks ago. My continued love to your family and theirs. May the Lord continue to hold you each in the palm of his hand.
Laura said…
I probably found you 6 months ago when you were mentioned in another blog, but I couldn't tell you which one. I enjoy all of your posts ...
Rachael Adele said…
I've been reading for over a year now-- I found you from a comment you left on crazymomquilts, and then liked what I saw on your blog. Your life is so different than mine, and I love seeing pieces of it. I'm amazed at the amount of crafting and thrifting you do with all of those children! Thank you!
Miranda said…
What a sweet giveaway! Okay, I found your blog through your sewing blog (I googled "baby gifts"and found that blog). I've been reading daily for 4-5 months. I don't really have a favorite post, but I love the baby gifts that you've made. And truly, I read just to see what idea you come up with next.
Cindy Is Crafty said…
Happy 3rd blogiversary, Lera! Cute and clean my two favs. Hope I win!
Suzanne said…
Aren't you sweet, and how did you know I was dying for one of those dish towels! I appreciate your consideration and am glad to have you as a new 'friend'. Cheers, Lera! Happy Birthday!!!
Coralee said…
happy blogversary! I think I've been visiting your blog for about 4-5 mths - not completely sure (I use google reader). I really enjoy your posts and would looooove that yummy soap!
amy smart said…
Congrats, Lera. I found your blog last spring- can't remember how - but have been a constant lurker ever since. You have inspired me to scout vintage sheets, pyrex and to try sewing clothes again (Simplicity 3835!) And to be a better mom. I think my favorite post was about bra shopping! :)
Emily said…
Not sure where I found your blog. Probably searching around, jumping from blog to blog searching for interesting things. But I am sure that I clicked on it because of your title. "The sky is pink" Huh? I've got to check this out! :) I think it was sometime in the early fall when I stumbled on this "Pink Sky". Been loving it ever since.

From one running, crafting mom to another. Congrats!
Bonus Mom said…
I am not sure how I found your blog. Probably a google search :) It was one of the first I followed and, as I think I told you before, your blog is the reason I started my blog. I thought if a busy mom like you could have one I could too. I clicked right at the top of your blog on the blogger strip and set mine up from there. Thank you for all of the inspiration! Happy 3rd Blog Birthday! (I have loved the idea of your chocolate mint soap since I first read about it on your blog :) )
Anonymous said…
Oh, Lera! Thanks for giving me a smile for 2 1/2 years. I first met you via African Kelli and your blog had a different name and I had to hunt you down when you switched. I'm so glad that I did.

And a favorite post? How about every time I said in a comment that I was laughing so hard that I
a.) snorted
b.) was crying
or c.) caused a co-worker to come see if I was okay.
Me and Him said…
Happy 3rd blog birthday.
I found your blog through a link on Lori's about 2-3 years ago.

The post that made me laugh the most was the sofa tipping birthday.
Anonymous said…
i posted earlier, but forgot to mention how long and how i found your blog. i think i have been here since the beginning and you told me to check it out! ha ha
Anonymous said…
I know I've been reading them since the beginning. Congrats on three years babe. ps. I'm not interested in winning the soap or napkin. DH.
Melisa Bakos said…
I love your blog. I found it while looking for homemade deoderant. I have followed it ever since. It was an old post when Ifound it so Im not sure how long I have been reading it. Keep up the good work.
misschris said…
Why, hello, sweet Lera!

Hmm, has it been almost two years? Something like that. Mid-2007, I think. And I'm sure I found you through clicking on one of your comments somewhere and was hooked.

Me? I likey the Pyrex. I love how lucky you are in that dept. And the soap. Oh yes, I love your soap. The one that smelled like meat might have been my favorite post. xo
onegirliegirl said…
You can count me amongst the many that have no recollection at all of how we found your blog, but are grateful we did!

Congratulations on your anniversary! I just started blogging recently and wonder if anyone will read my site?! How nice to know people visit yours and keep coming back!

My favorite posts are anything to do with the kids. You may recall I have 3 boys and 1 girl, all peeing on (or should I just say not into) the toilet ;)
Anonymous said…
I have been following your blog for less than a month & I found it from some other blog but I don't relly know which one. I love to craft & sew & crochet so I probably followed a comment or link from one of those type of blogs. I can't believe how much you get done! I love to see all your projects. I love your snowman dish towels! my e-mail is I don't have a blog or google acct.
Machelle said…
I found your blog while looking for LDS craft or knit blogs. I like the candy corn blogs. I love candy corn and never thought about all the different things you could make. I talked the girls at work into dressing as candy corns for Halloween. White scrub pants, orange or yellow scrub, and I would provide the headbands of either yellow or orange upside down triangles. I just like reading about the good days and bad. I feel like mine always has to be happy in order for someone to comment.
Congrats on 3 years of blogging! :)

I think I began reading your blog sometime in late 2006/early 2007 and found it through a link on another crafty blog :)

I love all your posts and loved getting aquainted with your blog when I had my first child really helped me get through all those late night feedings :) Thanks!
Erika said…
Well I found your blog throu crazy mom quilts last summer, and I was excited to find out you're LDS. I love your blog it has something fresh and inspiering all the time.
Myrnie said…
Oh boy...I think my sister introduced me to your blog since you A) are LDS B) Have children C) Live on the East Coast D) Like to make things. We have a lot in common! (Well, except for the Coast- my sister lives over there, I don't. Phooey.) I think my favorite project recently has been the cardigan you made for Sawyer. It's on my to-do list for our own little Ernie girl :)
Sonja said…
I found you when I did a flickr search for "fat quarters". You had just started the fat quarter challenge and I've been a faithful reader ever since! (I'm bad at commenting, but I read every post you write!)
I can't pick just one post, but you always impress me with how much sewing and/or crafting you get done while also taking care of your kids. Having one kid is kicking my butt... but I am getting better at the balancing act! :)
Jane said…
Let's see, I might have found you through African Kelli? I love the nurse visit count! That cracks me up every time. I love the 4th of July strawberry/ gingham outfit you made for Spenser. I also love all the skirts you make from sheets.
Leslie said…
How long have I been reading this blog? Well, I have no idea. But let me see if I can figure it out. Hmmmm....If you have been blogging for 3 years and I started blogging spring of 2006, then it must be around 2.5 years. Time flies! Happy anniversary!
Katie R said…
Happy Happy Birthday! I can't remember how long I've read... about a year I think. I love your creativity! and I love the snowman towels!
Anonymous said…
hmnn...i think i found your blog through karyn trailmix designs. i think - but i may have seen it before then. anyway, i was in a competition against you for one of her bags of pop rocks chocolate. i felt bad that it seemed you wanted them sooo badly. karyn assured me she already had a bag set aside for you. i won. the chocolates were good.

now, i'm in competition with karyn - i really need that soap lera. really.
Lana said…
I "found" you on my friend Nikko's blog about a year ago. My favorite post was the ....hmmmm.. many good ones. I like all the skirts you make, too cute!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! I've been reading your blog for a while; although I'm not totally sure how I got here, I think that I linked over from Crazy Mom Quilts. I think that the first time I ever commented was the post a while back where you shared your fairytale fabric collection. The amount that you accomplish totally inspires me to aim higher!
Lisa Boyer said…
I think I've been reading (lurking) your blog for about six months now. I'm pretty sure your blog was "suggested" by Google reader--that's how I've found many blogs that I enjoy. I think your most memorable post for now was your recent Christmas skirt, because I've had my eye on that magazine cover for some time. I also have to giggle at the perils of owning all those boys under one roof--I only had one, and my house barely survived. My glass candlesticks and salt and pepper collection? Well, they're fond memories. My boy is 21 now, and I can guarantee you that he was worth every broken figurine...
K said…
I don't know how I found you either....reading blogs is like a "Pick-a-path" book for me - following the different options until something grabs me. I think I've been reading for 2 years at least. Your kids are adorable and you seem to do so much! One of my favorite posts (saved in my bloglines) is of Spenser's 4th birthday - with the poem - I loved it - sent it to all my friends who have girls! I also loved your Deep Creek Lake vacation post - it just looked like so much family fun!
Southerner said…
I don't know how i found you- I was searching for craft items before Christmas and have been here since. I enjoy all your sewing projects and had planned to make these adorable snowman towels.
randi said…
Well, I can not remember how i arrived at your blog, but I do know it has been at least a year or two that I have been popping in to see what you are working on and what your sweet family is up to.

I sure am glad you started blogging, Lera!
Anonymous said…
I decided I wanted to find some sewing blogs. Right away I knew I'd found a spot to go to every day, just for a visit. I think I started reading your blog about May of 08, and I bookmarked it right away.

You have a super family.
utmommy said…
Holy cow, I don't remember how I found your blog. But, I do know that I've been reading it for quite a while. I love seeing all your projects. You always do such a great job!
Emily said…
I came to your blog via Mirre at Kissus! around end of 2006.....

Hard to pin point any particular post cos I:

Love all your posts on your children.

Admire all your creativity.

And am real envious of your PYREX finds!!
Melissa said…
I honestly can't remember how I found your blog. I read a lot of them...maybe through sewing. Then you helped me when I was making pants for my baby, and I kept reading. I like the stories about your kids, how you guys spend your time, and the photos of the projects you make. My favorite post? I guess ones that I really remember have to do with projects like the skirt you made to wear to the White House, treat bags you make for the kids' birthday parties, or the cute jumpers you make for Spenser.
I've been visiting your sight for about a year now. I've been in awe over your sewing for so long! I'm not sure how I found your site, but I know it was through someone else's site that sews. I looove posts about your kids and your sewing and I enjoy your positive energy. Happy blog birthday!
Jo-Anne said…
I can't really remember how I found your blog but I have been visiting for about 8 or 9 months. I just love all your posts!

Happy blog birthday!
Anonymous said…
Congrats and thanks for posting. Yours is one of my favorite!
Anonymous said…
I know exactly how i found you... on Lera's Sewing Projects (not this blog)... it was around two years ago... and the first year I kept checking hoping that you would update your blog and I would look at how many kids you have compared to my 2... and thought one day she will, she have time and I'll be here and around 6months or more into exploring that one you posted about the sky is pink... and I thought what the hell, I clicked on this page and haven't left since. I was in awe of your awesome talents, the amount of children you have... and i guess what sticks out is that the smallest child, was just a baby baby and you had made him some outfits and there were chenille burp clothes which I in turn made for a friend. so... all in all thanks for letting me share how great it has been peaking into your world. Happy New Year.
Steph said…
Can't remember how I found your blog - have been visiting for about 4 or 5 months now. I like all your craft ideas - the candy corn was a favorite - also, your skirts, too cute. Thanks for being positive when it comes to being a Mom.
Becky said…
Happy Anniversary! Can't remember how long I've been reading, probably at least 6 months.
Diane said…
Happy Blog Birthday! I have no recollection how I found you, but I'm thankful that I did. I do love all of your sewing/crafty posts, but my all time favorite is the candy corn tote! Thanks for all the inspiration :)
Anonymous said…
Love those towels, i first found you about a year and a half ago from Trail Mix. Love all the pyrex goodies you find as well as your sewn goodies.

Dawn Madigan
Melissa said…
I can't remember how I found you. I think through artsy crafty babe blog. I have been reading your blog for at least a year! I love all the sewing you whip up. How great are you! happy 3rd!
Anonymous said…
I have been visiting your blog for about two years. I think I got here from a link on another blog dedicated to sewing. I love reading about the things you make, they inspire me. My most memorable post was last Christmas when you made your children karate uniform ornaments. I so coveted making some of my own. Never happened though...maybe next year!
Amanda Jean said…
congrats on 3 years!!! i've been reading you a long time...i'm not sure how i found your blog, but i'm so glad that i did!
dig this chick said…
dangit it all to hell. how do i always miss these? oh, anyway, happy number three! love reading your posts. xo, dig
Chara Michele said…
I am too late for your giveaway, but I wanted to say congrats on 3 years of blogging :) We actually started our blogs the same month! I started mine the end of January though, so I still have my blog birthday coming up. You know I have no idea when I started reading your blog... I think I started reading it though because Karyn posted something about you and I wandered over :)

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