Ribbon Headbands

Spenser wears headbands. And they usually stay in. She always thinks she wants a hair clip or barrette or ponytail, but she usually yanks them right out and we lose them. But, headbands? We have a much higher success rate with those.

I decided to play around the other night and make a ribbon headband for her. When I presented it to her the next morning, she loved it. And it fit perfectly. Somehow, somewhere she decided to pull it off and that was the last we saw it. It can't be found anywhere in our house.

So I had a rare moment yesterday while Sawyer was napping and Spenser fell asleep on the sofa. It was short-lived, but I took advantage and made a few more.

Yes, that would be hot-pink velvet ribbon ... Would you believe that I accidentally found velvet ribbon at Walmart, of all places? It was purely accidental. They have several colors available, too, pre-packaged.
A reversible light pink/hot pink satiny ribbon...

And a double-ribbon headband. I used leftover purple grosgrain ribbon from Spenser's Easter bonnet. This might be a favorite.

Details on the headbands:

The ribbon is 15 1/2" long and the elastic is 4". I turned over the raw edge of the ribbon (twice) and sewed the elastic along the "hem." Repeat for the other edge.

For the double-ribbon headband I cut two lengths of ribbon, sewed them together at the bottom on a slight angle, and then continued to attach the elastic.

Spenser is three and has a tiny head. Sawyer is 18 months and they are a little big for him. You may need to adjust the length of the ribbon to fit the size of the head.

These are quick and easy. The only problem I had was keeping it moving through my feed dogs. Good luck with that.


Sarah and Jack said…
Will have to check wal-mart now.

I was just thinking I could use a headband since I am 2 weeks from next hair cut and getting a little shaggy.

I once used some fabric scraps and bits of elastic and made pony tail holders, those were pretty easy too.
Great idea with using ribbons.

I still don't have much success with Munchkin in terms of tying her hair up or putting a hairclip. 99% of the time, she yanks it off anyway so I don't know why I bother. At least Spenser lets you put the headband on!
Karyn said…
What a super idea!!

And what a pretty model!
christy said…
you can put a piece of paper under it while sewing it to get it through the feed dog and then just tear it away when done.
i may have to make some for lidia. i still have lots of ribbon from the outlet.
misschris said…
Paper under the ribbon... may have to try Christy's idea for sewing elastic, too.

These are darling, Lera...! :)
Anonymous said…
I have made these in the past for myself. They are so much more comfortable than the hard plastic kind. I just hand-sewed mine - that was before I really used my machine much and it didn't take long to stitch them up by hand.
Amanda Jean said…
what a great idea. I may have to try that. my daughter's hair is thinning as a result of all the pigtails that I have been putting in her hair. I think this may be the ticket!
Cindy Is Crafty said…
She must have loved them as she posed with all of them. They are cute and she is adorable, too!
Emily said…
Mmph, great idea! Must try it out! someday!
trishia said…
love them! another tip:

to minimize fray on ribbon ends you can hold the end near a flame. don't touch it to the flame, but you will see it starting to melt a bit which seals the ends nicely. I use that when making hair bows. :)
Anonymous said…
Aww she looks so sweet in them. Brill idea -they wont dig in like the plastic ones, so even a tiny tot could nap in one.
Anonymous said…
cute. i love the double ribbon one. and pink velvet. who doesn't love pink velvet?

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