Chunky Pendant

I ran into the fabric store a few days before Easter to find some more polka dot fabric. Somehow I ended up in their jewelry-making aisle. That's where I spied this big ... whatever it is. I knew it would make a fab pendant. After getting the package home, it says that it is a semi-precious turquenite and "turquenite = healing." Hmmmm. Maybe I need to wear it to see if it heals my achy back and knees. I'll let you know how that goes. I might even slip it onto Sawyer's neck. He's sick again. He's coughing, has runny nose, and a fever and I realized he was wheezing early yesterday evening. Poor guy. We have a nebulizer, so I hooked him up immediately and he was able to get two treatments by the time he went to bed. He's miserable. And he just finished his antibiotic last night!