Ruffled Shirt - Mod Green

During our rainy Saturday I had the chance to sew. It is a rare thing to sew on a Saturday. We usually have three soccer games that last all day long. And, while they usually play in the rain, it had rained for three straight days and it was decided that they didn't want the fields messed up with cleats, so all games were cancelled.

It was bliss.

We just all hung around the house because it was too cold and dreary to do anything else. Carter had a friend spend the night and so everyone had their own thing to do. Peacefully.

I sewed. I had a list a mile long of things I've wanted to do and haven't had time to do. I tidied my long-neglected sewing area, mended a few things, embellished a few things, and sewed a few things. One of the shirts I embellished was this $4.20 clearance special from Target. I bought a second shirt to cut up and ruffled away. Total cost = $8.40 + tax and a few minutes of my time.

Here is a closeup of the ruffles. The color of the shirt is "mod green" and closer to the color in the top photo. This photo looks all washed out.


Katie said…
Another beautiful creation!!
FinnyKnits said…
LOVEloveLOVEloveLOVE that shirt!

One of these days I really need to do that.
nikko said…
This turned out so good looking! What a great idea.
Brenda said…
LOve it. Ruffles are so cute.
hooli said…
very very very very cute. so very cute, i might even dare try it. i'm not ashamed to say that i would be copying you. ack! it's seriously so cute. looks very expensive.
Diane said…
Super cute - as always! I'm jealous that you squeezed in some sewing time. I'll just live vicariously through your craftiness for now :)
Alicia A. said…
OK. Tell me how you're doing these? With a ruffler attachment on your machine? You ruffle the strips and then sew along that seam line again to sew it down?

I think I might need to do this.

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