Le Cloche

Perhaps I should have warned you that after I found that cute cloche pattern, I would become an obsessed woman. Although, if you know me, you should have already guessed it.

Last week I went on the hunt for the perfect brown, cotton yarn.

I almost didn't find it. (Michaels was a bust. I actually found this cotton yarn at Wal-Mart.)

I couldn't wait to get started.

Or finished.

So I finished the hat in almost one sitting.

Minus kids' baths, family scripture reading, family prayers, finishing the dishes, washing the eggs, etc.

And I was so pleased that I made one for her to wear to church.

I'd prefer that it would be pink to match her coat lining, but I could not find a pink I liked enough. For her. Or for me.

But I found (in my stash) a pink for a friend's baby. While I'm not in love with the self-striping yarn, I do like the way this hat, excuse me, cloche, turned out. (I made this one while the men-folk in the house watched the Super Bowl last night.)


Karyn said…
I have never seen anything cuter in my life!
christy said…
send me that cute pattern!=)
Sarah and Jack said…
These photos of Spenser are ADORABLE Lera. What a gorgeous little girl she is growing up to be. (And not a bad model either!)
Marty said…
I had grand plans of starting and finishing a small knitting project during the game, but I ate something I was allergic to and spent the evening, well, in a bad tummy way. No more green peppers for me! I might have to get that cloche pattern-I know a 6-year-old girl who would love it!
heidi said…
oh how i love that hat!!!!!!
Amy Siegert said…
Those hats (and your daughter) are so pretty!! And now I have to say WAY TO GO PACKERS! (sorry I'm from Wisconsin)
Jennifer said…
I love those! She looks great in them..and she's just getting to be such a big girl.
Lori B said…
It's terrific and your model is absolutely adorable!
Cindy Is Crafty said…
Spencer is quite the little supermodel. I remember when she hated "posing" for your pics!
nikko said…
Cuteness! Can I put an order in for one? ;o)

(p.s. Do you like your expedition? It's on my list when our minivan bites the dust, or when I decide it's too small!)
Chara Michele said…
What a cute hat!

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