Jersey* Flower Pins

The other week with my leftover jersey,* I made a few flowers. I found a quick and easy tutorial and made them in just minutes. (I just love that when I have an idea, I can find someone else who has already done the "hard work" and figured it out for me. The internet can be a wonderful tool.)

After I made these three, I realized that I used the same color scheme as ones I made over a year ago: gray, yellow, and white. At least I'm consistent. I really do think that gray and yellow are my winter colors. Or maybe just my everyday colors (like in this photo of my kitchen).

Yellow + gray. I just can't get enough of them together.

I like to be able to swap out the flowers with my mood and my wardrobe. I can wear it on my wool peacoat. (They would look adorable on a bag or hat. I'm not much of a hat person.)

On my infinity scarf ...

And I even made one for a hairclip for my girl's golden brown locks. (I just have not been able to get decent sunlight when she's home so you'll have to see it in my hair instead.)

When I make pins, I like to cut out a circle (or oval) piece of felt, when I attach the pinback. (Click on the last link to see exactly how I do it.)

*I am choosing to call these jersey flower pins instead of knit because I don't want any confusion with knit meaning knitting with yarn.


Cindy Is Crafty said…
Love the color combo and your flowers, Lera!
beki said…
very cute! i love that color combo, myself. of course, as i'm looking at your photos i'm thinking to myself that i need to get a hold of some black & white striped jersey!!
heidi said…
gotta do these! love them and i love the texture!
FinnyKnits said…
Cute pins, Lera! And I'm extra glad that the Jersey reference was to the fabric the pins were made from rather than a certain show that could have inspired the project.

Imagine - Jersey Shore pins? They would be grotesque.
Nancy said…
Hi! Can you share where you got your striped infinity scarf from? Love it!
Thanks :)
lera said…
**Nancy** I picked up the striped infinity scarf on clearance at Walmart last summer.
Nancy said…
Thanks for responding! I appreciate it!
Anonymous said…
They look great!
Betty said…
Thanks for the post! They look easy and fabulous~

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