Sweater Capelets Times Two

After seeing this cute sweater capelet tutorial, I thought it would be something that I'd like to do. Especially because I had been invited to attend a charity concert and knew I'd have to dress "more professionally," according to my mother. So off to the thrift store I went. And let me tell you, there are some ugly sweaters out there in this world. And I do mean Ug.ly. With a capital U. Most made with nasty-feeling acrylics.

Anyway, moving forward ... I went into the thrift store and could not find a decent sweater. I finally settled on a gray cotton sweater that seemed to be in good shape. I came home and threw it in the wash, only to discover that there was a huge hole at the bottom hem. I had planned to use the hem of the sweater as the top of the capelet, but oh well. The sweater was so extra large that I had plenty of sweater left to make my own hem. (It just would have gone a lot quicker if I could have used that hem.)

So I made the capelet and then after I tried to wear it I realized the cotton didn't have a lot of give and that I would stand on my toes to be able to move my arms better. It wasn't going to work for me. So all that extra work was for nothing.

I went back to the thrift store a few days later armed with the knowledge that cotton was not the best sweater material to make this capelet if you want to have full use of your upper extremities.

It was then that I ran upon this charcoal gray wool sweater. Without any holes. And it was $2 cheaper than the sweater with free holes included. The sweater had some stretch to it and I thought it would be perfect.

I really liked this capelet, except, it did start to get stretchier and stretchier as I wore it (as evidenced in the above photo). I have since taken it in on the side a few times. I'm hoping eventually it will fit perfectly.

And what would a capelet be without any embellishment? I whipped up three flower pins to wear on my capelet. I used jersey, muslin and tulle to create them.

* * * And here's a funny little story that goes along with the charity concert: * * *

Being on town council, I received two complimentary tickets to a concert that benefited victims of domestic violence throughout our entire county. The letter that accompanied the tickets asked me to R.S.V.P, so I did. That evening at the concert we were sitting really far in the back of about 700 - 800 people. At the beginning of the concert the hostess introduced herself and the person who played the prelude music. And then she said, "Tonight we have a distinguished guest with us ..." At first I wondered who it was. And then a sick, sick feeling came over me. And then she announced my name and the town that I represent. I wanted to die. I didn't know if I should stand up (remember, I was in the way back) or just stay seated. I was freaking out for a moment and then I just waved my hand. Oh, I wanted to die. I was totally not expecting that. At the end of the concert I felt a tap on my shoulder and a lady asked me if I was from the town council. I confirmed I was and then she asked me if she could take my picture next to their domestic violence display. (I made Joe get in with me.) Sadly, all the county's town councils and mayors, and state delegates and senators were invited and only one sent a letter, which was read.

And a side note: That cute little gray flower was lost the night of the concert. I don't know if I was applauding too wildly or what, but I noticed it was missing after the picture. I have since made a replacement.


Anonymous said…
Those are nifty and pretty little flowers you made. You have the imagination to make those up AND then go on to make them. I am impressed.
(Not that you have anything else to do, like kids or work or anything. HA.)
Brenda said…
I love your capelet and the flowers. Don't you just love her blog.
Cindy Is Crafty said…
Lera, what about a drawstring around the top edge of it to cinch it up a bit, but not too much? You could use some organza ribbon to make it more romantic looking to match your flowers. Just a thought! Love it!
FinnyKnits said…
So you actually MADE the capelet - CUTE! I saw that and thought I'd make it but, alas, have not yet. I don't have a good sweater for cutting yet.

That story is pretty funny - don't deny your celebrity, lera!
misschris said…
I am loving this. Especially the awesome color combos you have going on. May be ripping this off in the near future. Just so you know. ;) xoxo
misschris said…
girl, I was so obsessed I whipped something up like this last night... but it's not as cute as your capelet. Still, gonna wear it and think of you.

Rock star that you are. ;) xo

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