The Weekend Recap

Thank you for all of your get-well wishes. They worked. Well, that and some antibiotics. By Saturday morning I was feeling pretty good. A little sore still, but fever-free, chill-free, and body-ache-free. It was a nice feeling.

We had a busy weekend together.
Carter planted an earth "garden" with weeds and such from around the yard. He took great care in planting them just so and watering them. In fact, he inspired Jack to start one, too. Unfortunately, they are both in the middle of the yard. Fortunately, the grass is beyond dead in that spot so we won't have to worry about mowing them down.

Taylor found fun in an old broomstick. He would jump off the bench toward the other one and then start again.

We found a rooster walking around our neighbor's yard. It was very odd. They don't have a rooster. They have 4 or 5 very large dogs, but no rooster. (I warned my neighbor about the rooster so they wouldn't let their dogs loose. I haven't seen the rooster lately, so I'm hoping he made it home safely.)
Jack had to swing because he wasn't playing nicely with the other children. He's swinging with an attitude.
You know I'm feeling better here, because I'm jumping on the trampoline with the kids. Yes, that's me ... in my pajama bottoms. We had to get a new trampoline on Saturday because our old one dry-rotted.Joe opened a coconut for the kids. They hated the milk. (Can you blame them, though?) And they mostly hated the coconut. It was a novelty and they enjoyed the process.

And I love this picture of Taylor, my oldest. He never wants to have any fun. Ever. Well, at least not around us. He has fun with his friends and cousins, and sometimes with his brothers, but never expresses it around us. This picture was taken by accident. They were watching Joe open the coconut and I was snapping away.

I love weekends like this.


laura capello said…
wha? you kids didn't love the coconut? wha? are they human?
Anonymous said…
Fresh coconut brings back lovely memories of India. I used to steal it from the kitchen. Who me?

Glad you're feeling better. Nice shot of Taylor.
Karyn said…
Glad you're feeling better!!!

You don't look pink and furry on the trampoline!

Great photos, as usual.
Wendy said…
Yah, the fresh coconut didn't go over too well in our house either. Maybe it's just not at all what we expected. It sort of grew on me after I ate little pieces of it all day, but the kids never liked it.
Anonymous said…
mmmm.... coconut.... drool.

so glad you're feeling better!
and the shot of taylor is awesome.
beki said…
I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling better. It looks like good times around your place :)
Sarah and Jack said…
I wonder why Taylor is like that. Is he getting to "that age"? (a.k.a. I am way too cool for you people.) LOL
Anonymous said…
Lera, that earth garden is precious! Glad you caught the oldest in a moment of unguarded pleasure :)
Joanna said…
Glad you're feeling better, Lera. You are one cool mama on that trampoline!
Anonymous said…
So glad you're feeling better. And those weekends are the best.

My sisters two youngest girls are like Taylor. They want to be part of the fun, but they really have to play it cool and NOT show that they are enjoying themselves.
Berber said…
So jealous of your trampoline and swimmingpool!
I am glad to know you are feeling better. Looks like all of you had a great weekend too.
Anonymous said…
We tried a coconut a while ago and mostly the kids disliked it too. But they sure liked hitting it with a hammer on the driveway!

You get extra mom points for jumping on the trampoline with your kids. Only the really cool moms do that!
Anonymous said…
glad you're feeling better. coconuts weren't a big hit around here, either. but you reminded me that i need to go buy another one - chicka chicka boom boom is in rotation around here. again.
Amanda Jean said…
glad you are feeling better!
Me and Him said…
Not a big fan of coconut milk, but I like coconut.

That's a great photo of Taylor.

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