Embellishing & A Story

A black tee for my girl dressed with a few buttons becomes a fun candy corn shirt in just minutes. It will look cute with the black leggings I bought her with the pumpkin buttons at the hem.
Before sewing on the buttons, I ironed interfacing/stabilizer to the inside of the front to give the shirt a little stability. She says she loves it. But it's not pink. I have a hunch I know how this will go down ...
* * Story * *
I try to keep the peace. Really, I do. But when there is something dumb or ridiculous going on, I just can't help myself. I have to speak up. On Friday morning the boys (Carter, Jackson and Mason) were at the bus stop. The bus was just pulling down the street when I noticed a neighbor running down the street with her two children (while holding a toddler). Running with her were also two Pit Bulls. Not leashed. Not muzzled. Just running down the street. About 30 feet ahead of her.
Is it just me, or is it common sense, that you just don't allow two aggressive-by-nature animals running freely on a street when children are at a bus stop???? I thought it's common sense, but apparently, it's not.
One dog ran to the door of the bus as if it try to board it. (I couldn't see if the bus driver shut the door by that time because the door was on the opposite side of the street.) When the bus pulled away, the lady turned back around and the dogs followed her. Again 30 feet behind her. One dog wandered around neighbor's houses and one sat and stared me down through my glass door. The owner was oblivious.
I called our town office, who referred me to the local Humane Society. They sent me information to pass along to my neighbors, either anonymously or however I wished. The papers came in the mail on Monday and I prayed for an opportunity to give them a copy of the county ordinances.
Yesterday as I was leaving to take Spenser to preschool, I was getting the two littles in the car when I noticed both Pit Bulls running wildly on the street again, without the owner in sight. At all. I quickly shut the car door to protect the children and started to go inside the house to get my camera (as recommended by the Humane Society). I looked around to check the dogs' location and one was sitting across the street staring me down again. Not a good feeling when you're on the opposite side of a locked wooden door. When I got inside, the dogs ran home. Instead of grabbing my camera, I grabbed the information from the Humane Society. I bravely walked across the street (still slightly horrified that these dogs were loose somewhere) and rang their doorbell. I talked to the owner, who seemed quite annoyed that I was disturbing him. I tried to give him the literature, but he refused to take it. He kept saying "they're puppies, they're puppies." I told him one sat and stared me down. He told me to "yell at them." I explained that I was trying to work it out by coming straight to him, and not calling the police. He wasn't rude or abrupt, but he wasn't warm and fuzzy either. (And they might be puppies by age, but not by size.)
I made another call to the Humane Society. They said I could either make a complaint and they would come out to visit the neighbor and possibly fine them, or I could document the past two times and if it happens again, to call and make a complaint. Although in my head I was thinking "there might not be a second time where it ends peacefully," in my heart I thought I needed to give the owners a chance to exercise their brain cells.
While I really don't want any enemies over this, I certainly would rather have enemies than have an injured child. The whole thing just makes me ill.
You did the right thing.
Have a good time
You are right by doing this now! They need to follow city ordinance...it's not like you are dealing with a Yorkie here!
Good Luck!
2. You KNOW how I feel about pit bulls. They must be stopped. What I don't understand is why the Humane Society wanted you to talk to them and deliver the brochure. I would think that that would be their job!
About the dogs, I think you're doing the right thing. I'd even go so far as to file a complaint now. While there are some very docile and friendly pit bulls out there, these dogs are just too smart and too strong to be allowed to just run loose. Dogs need structure and rules and dicipline. These neighbors obviously aren't providing that and I'm afraid they are just ticking time bombs.
:) Melissa
(I also went to the etsy link for the candy corn knit markers...If I knew what to use them for I might be tempted to buy them, but I am not that advanced in my knitting yet.)
now about those dogs...I applaud you for standing up to your neighbors. I hate confrontation, but sometimes it's necessary, as in this case. I'll be another one to say it...you did the right thing.
And great shirt. I'm with Karyn on wearing one as a 40 year old woman. ;)
I need another cup of coffee....
There are pit bulls in my neighborhood, too. Not fenced, but on a long leash. Still so scary. They are so aggressive! You did the right thing!!
Cute shirt by the way - I might have to make one!
And regardless of the breed of dog - they should be on a leash. I have a dachshund - all of 10lbs of him - and he's always on a leash.
You are not asking too much for them to be responsible dog owners. Like you, I wouldn't want to wait for something terrible to happen before trying to get them to follow the rules. I own a dog. Kids are first. Dog is always on a leash. Period.
Having kids who are terrified of any dog let alone a pit bull I think you did the right thing.
I think you did the right thing. You basically gave your warning. Now, stick by your guns and pursue it. Also, rally some others with you in your complaints. It will help you feel stronger.
But I assure you, you're doing the right thing.
ooh, and bonus. Cute shirt!
You are doing the right thing.