To keep in tradition with years' past, I decided to do a list of things you might not know about me. (My best friend loves these posts, so this is in honor of her. You know who you are.)
- I ran 1 3/4 miles this morning.
- I gained 3-4 pounds after Sawyer weaned himself this year.
- Since starting to run, Joe has said that my thighs are "as tight as when we were first married."
- I didn't realize my thighs weren't tight. Hmmm.
- I guess six kids can do that to you.
- I need a new mattress.
- We bought our last mattress when I was in labor with Carter.
- That was ten years ago.
- We also bought a set of bunk beds that day.
- I want a new sofa.
- Actually two new sofas.
- I'm waiting until Sawyer is potty-trained.
- I'm planning on training him as soon as school lets out in June.
- Sometimes I plan ahead.
- Sometimes I procrastinate.
- Mosquitoes love me.
- I think it's because I'm so darn sweet.
- I am joking about that.
- Not about mosquitoes.
- I killed three yesterday in my house.
- Two were actively biting me at the time.
- I have a fever blister on my bottom lip.
- I get them after I've been sick or stressed.
- Only about 2-3 times a year.
- I was both last week.
- Sick with a stomach bug.
- Stressed over Pit Bulls.
- I got a tan this summer on vacation.
- It's the first tan I've had in years.
- I try to stay out of the sun.
- I had a pre-cancerous spot removed on the back of heel several years ago.
- I've also had many bad cases of sunburn.
- I had sun poison twice.
- My lips blistered.
- My face swelled up.
- My family called me Elephant Man.
- I looked terrible.
- I refused to leave the house.
- My brother's friend told me that I looked better than his sisters do every day.
- That made me feel better, but not enough to leave the house.
- I do not subscribe to any magazines.
- I no longer get our local newspaper.
- I still haven't finished my quilt I started over a year ago.
- That is my goal.
- I will finish that darn thing before I turn 40. Do you hear yourself, Self?
- I still haven't learned to knit.
- That's another goal of mine.
- I don't know if I'll stress myself out with trying to learn before I turn 40.
- I don't have a favorite TV show.
- I used to watch Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy.
- During the writers strike, I stopped watching them.
- I haven't missed them since.
- They started to get too trashy for me.
- I don't have a favorite movie either.
- Or a favorite song.
- Or a favorite food.
- I'm not picky.
- I like almost anything.
- I eat liver.
- Cow, chicken or turkey.
- That grosses out everyone I know.
- This list is harder to write than I anticipated.
- I've only had two bloody noses my entire life.
- Both times I was pregnant with Taylor.
- My boys get bloody noses all the time.
- It makes me gag a little.
- I wish I had a maid to clean my house.
- I like to cook.
- I usually don't measure unless I'm baking.
- I can crack my back.
- And knees.
- And toes.
- And ankles.
- And fingers.
- And sometimes my wrists.
- I don't like the sound of it, but sometimes it's a necessity.
- I have arthritis in my back.
- I did a few weeks of physical therapy this past spring.
- It helped a little.
- I should go back.
- I'm a soccer mom.
- I bet that none of my friends from high school or college would believe that statement.
- I'm finally starting to understand soccer.
- I get being "off sides."
- I only like sports if my children are playing.
- While I love to watch my kids play soccer,
- I'm always happy to see soccer season come to an end.
- It's usually a very cold ending, with the last games being playing the second week of November.
- I need a hair cut.
- Or just a trim.
- I haven't decided which yet.
- Joe's birthday is tomorrow.
- We have no celebratory plans this weekend.
- Saturday's lineup includes: soccer, soccer, and soccer.
- And a few other things in-between.
- Mostly chauffeuring duties. (Like archaeological dig, Taylor's school band playing at the high school football game, kid's birthday party, Boy Scout popcorn sale.)
- Joe has been out of town this week.
- I'll be happy to have him home for a three-day weekend until he leaves again Tuesday morning.
- Joe and I are planning on going out to lunch on Monday.
- None of my children wished me a "happy birthday" before leaving for school today.

These are some of my favorite photos with my older sister, Lisa. My father's mother (another "Mom-Mom,") made us matching Easter dresses in 1972.
You are awesome.
Your family is awesome.
I know this first hand.
I'll keep nagging until the quilt is done.
Have a good day my friend.
I have you have a fabulous birthday.
I think you look a little like Carter in that last picture, or vice versa.
My mother eventually stopped waiting for us to get her presents and instead would buy herself 5 presents and put our names on them.
you make me laugh or cry everyday!!! I can baby sit Monday for you!
Be home soon,
(you look just like spenser in that last photo!)
I am with you on Grey's...don't miss it either!
HAppy Birthday! :)
x hel x
And woohoo! 39 never looked better. Hugs to you, my friend. xoxoxo
And go eat some cake.
Happy days will come to you all year.
If I had a wish then it would be
A happy happy birthday to you from me!
Grey's used to be the highlight of my week, I'm ashamed to say. I also stopped watching during the strike (aside: I'm guessing they needed to introduce new characters since everyone had slept with everyone else already! Gah!) and am extremely proud not to have started up again last season. I turn the channel when a preview for it comes on...
I LOVED reading your list. and those photos of you and your sister are cute, cute, CUTE!
Hope you have a very special time with your loved ones!
2. List well done!
3. I really enjoy your sense of humor.
4. You will be great at knitting.
5. I think it's couple-y sweet that you and your husband's birthdays are so close together.
Best Wishes.
Happy belated Birthday, dear ;-) btw, are you sure you're not 29??