It's that time of year again. The one that seems to come faster and closer every year. Yes, today I am 39. (That means I'm almost 40! Aaaahh!)

To keep in tradition with years' past, I decided to do a list of things you might not know about me. (My best friend loves these posts, so this is in honor of her. You know who you are.)
  1. I ran 1 3/4 miles this morning.
  2. I gained 3-4 pounds after Sawyer weaned himself this year.
  3. Since starting to run, Joe has said that my thighs are "as tight as when we were first married."
  4. I didn't realize my thighs weren't tight. Hmmm.
  5. I guess six kids can do that to you.
  6. I need a new mattress.
  7. We bought our last mattress when I was in labor with Carter.
  8. That was ten years ago.
  9. We also bought a set of bunk beds that day.
  10. I want a new sofa.
  11. Actually two new sofas.
  12. I'm waiting until Sawyer is potty-trained.
  13. I'm planning on training him as soon as school lets out in June.
  14. Sometimes I plan ahead.
  15. Sometimes I procrastinate.
  16. Mosquitoes love me.
  17. I think it's because I'm so darn sweet.
  18. I am joking about that.
  19. Not about mosquitoes.
  20. I killed three yesterday in my house.
  21. Two were actively biting me at the time.
  22. I have a fever blister on my bottom lip.
  23. I get them after I've been sick or stressed.
  24. Only about 2-3 times a year.
  25. I was both last week.
  26. Sick with a stomach bug.
  27. Stressed over Pit Bulls.
  28. I got a tan this summer on vacation.
  29. It's the first tan I've had in years.
  30. I try to stay out of the sun.
  31. I had a pre-cancerous spot removed on the back of heel several years ago.
  32. I've also had many bad cases of sunburn.
  33. I had sun poison twice.
  34. My lips blistered.
  35. My face swelled up.
  36. My family called me Elephant Man.
  37. I looked terrible.
  38. I refused to leave the house.
  39. My brother's friend told me that I looked better than his sisters do every day.
  40. That made me feel better, but not enough to leave the house.
  41. I do not subscribe to any magazines.
  42. I no longer get our local newspaper.
  43. I still haven't finished my quilt I started over a year ago.
  44. That is my goal.
  45. I will finish that darn thing before I turn 40. Do you hear yourself, Self?
  46. I still haven't learned to knit.
  47. That's another goal of mine.
  48. I don't know if I'll stress myself out with trying to learn before I turn 40.
  49. I don't have a favorite TV show.
  50. I used to watch Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy.
  51. During the writers strike, I stopped watching them.
  52. I haven't missed them since.
  53. They started to get too trashy for me.
  54. I don't have a favorite movie either.
  55. Or a favorite song.
  56. Or a favorite food.
  57. I'm not picky.
  58. I like almost anything.
  59. I eat liver.
  60. Cow, chicken or turkey.
  61. That grosses out everyone I know.
  62. This list is harder to write than I anticipated.
  63. I've only had two bloody noses my entire life.
  64. Both times I was pregnant with Taylor.
  65. My boys get bloody noses all the time.
  66. It makes me gag a little.
  67. I wish I had a maid to clean my house.
  68. I like to cook.
  69. I usually don't measure unless I'm baking.
  70. I can crack my back.
  71. And knees.
  72. And toes.
  73. And ankles.
  74. And fingers.
  75. And sometimes my wrists.
  76. I don't like the sound of it, but sometimes it's a necessity.
  77. I have arthritis in my back.
  78. I did a few weeks of physical therapy this past spring.
  79. It helped a little.
  80. I should go back.
  81. I'm a soccer mom.
  82. I bet that none of my friends from high school or college would believe that statement.
  83. I'm finally starting to understand soccer.
  84. I get being "off sides."
  85. I only like sports if my children are playing.
  86. While I love to watch my kids play soccer,
  87. I'm always happy to see soccer season come to an end.
  88. It's usually a very cold ending, with the last games being playing the second week of November.
  89. I need a hair cut.
  90. Or just a trim.
  91. I haven't decided which yet.
  92. Joe's birthday is tomorrow.
  93. We have no celebratory plans this weekend.
  94. Saturday's lineup includes: soccer, soccer, and soccer.
  95. And a few other things in-between.
  96. Mostly chauffeuring duties. (Like archaeological dig, Taylor's school band playing at the high school football game, kid's birthday party, Boy Scout popcorn sale.)
  97. Joe has been out of town this week.
  98. I'll be happy to have him home for a three-day weekend until he leaves again Tuesday morning.
  99. Joe and I are planning on going out to lunch on Monday.
  100. None of my children wished me a "happy birthday" before leaving for school today.

These are some of my favorite photos with my older sister, Lisa. My father's mother (another "Mom-Mom,") made us matching Easter dresses in 1972.


Karyn said…
Happy Birthday Lera!!!!!

You are awesome.

Your family is awesome.

I know this first hand.

I'll keep nagging until the quilt is done.

Have a good day my friend.
Katie Jean said…
Happy, Happy Birthday Lera!!!!!

I have you have a fabulous birthday.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday girl! Have a wonderful, relaxing(?) day!
I think you look a little like Carter in that last picture, or vice versa.
LunaMoonbeam said…
Aww...well I wish you a happy birthday!

My mother eventually stopped waiting for us to get her presents and instead would buy herself 5 presents and put our names on them.
Sarah and Jack said…
Hapde Burfday lera!
Tonya said…
Happy Birthday, Lera!!!! I would have never guessed your age to be 39, you look MUCH younger : )
Happy Birthday Lera! Hope you have a great day.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Lera!! Don't feel too bad, my birthday 10 days ago and although my boys did wish me a happy birthday, no cards or gifts. (They are 24 and 17 so they are capable if they wanted to) I didn't really want them to spend their money on me but a card would have been nice. You think I'm being too sensitive? I always wonder how they'd act if I didn't make a big deal out of their birthday. Mutiny, I'm betting. LOL!! Hope you have a great birthday!! And Joe too.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday my friend! i love you!! You are the greatest!!
you make me laugh or cry everyday!!! I can baby sit Monday for you!
Miranda said…
Happy Birthday! Here's hoping you have an amazing day!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Love.

Be home soon,

kira said…
Happy Birthday! I love the little facts about you ... lol.
Anonymous said…
happy happy birthday, lera dear!

(you look just like spenser in that last photo!)
christy said…
Happy Birthday! Spenser looks like you.
Stacey said…
Great list! You are crackin me up..

I am with you on Grey's...don't miss it either!

HAppy Birthday! :)
jessica said…
Happy Birthday Lera - I hope it's fabulous and that at some point today your kids wish a a happy birthday!
Anonymous said…
I've only bumbled across your blog in the past few days but I suddenly know so much about you! I love your list, a comical and informative insight into you, I might have to steal the idea and do it on my own blog! Happy birthday!

x hel x
misschris said…
Happy happy happy birthday, dear Lera! I had no idea it was coming up, you stinker.

And woohoo! 39 never looked better. Hugs to you, my friend. xoxoxo

And go eat some cake.
nikko said…
Happy happy birthday, Lera dear!

Happy days will come to you all year.

If I had a wish then it would be

A happy happy birthday to you from me!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, my friend! Have a wonderful day and weekend. And I freaked out just before I turned 40, but in the end, it's just a number. Enjoy 39!
Anonymous said…
I am a lurker....but I wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday and your family is gorgeous!
Bonus Mom said…
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day!
Sonja said…
Happy Birthday!
Grey's used to be the highlight of my week, I'm ashamed to say. I also stopped watching during the strike (aside: I'm guessing they needed to introduce new characters since everyone had slept with everyone else already! Gah!) and am extremely proud not to have started up again last season. I turn the channel when a preview for it comes on...
Amanda Jean said…
happy birthday, my friend! I hope your day is fabulous!!!!

I LOVED reading your list. and those photos of you and your sister are cute, cute, CUTE!
Tori Leslie said…
Happy, happy birthday!!!
Hope you have a very special time with your loved ones!
Rebecca said…
oh happy happy 39!
amy smart said…
I should be vacuuming because my in-laws are on their way (from Maryland even!), but I had to wish you a Happy Birthday! I loved the insights. A couple of years ago I started buying my own birthday presents. And I always get the cutest stuff! It's great! :)
Kris said…
Happy 39th! I worried that 40 would be scary, but it was okay. Now I'm 44 and it's no biggie! (No-one is ever going to believe that you are 39 anyway. You do look good!)
Unknown said…
Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Diane said…
1. Happy Birthday Lera!
2. List well done!
3. I really enjoy your sense of humor.
4. You will be great at knitting.
5. I think it's couple-y sweet that you and your husband's birthdays are so close together.

Best Wishes.
Kate said…
Happy Birthday!
Happiest Birthday Wishes to you!!
Autum said…
Happy Birthday Lera!
Barbara said…
Happy birthday, Lera! I spent my birthday one year in the ER with my son, who chipped a bone or rolled his ankle (or, who knows, all these orthopedic injuries kind of run together at a certain point) at a soccer game, so I hear you on the happy- when- soccer- season- is- over sentiment. Hope you have a fun weekend.
Suzanne said…
Oh, happy happy belated day! I say to celebrate all weekend! Birthdays are meant to last for days! Enjoy...
Angela said…
Hope you had a Happy Birthday! I loved your list.
Berber said…
I'll say it for me and your kids: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday! I hope your day is a sweet one!
Sue said…
Happy Birthday Lera! Enjoy the last year of your 30's. 40 isnt too bad so far.
Amy Siegert said…
Happy Belated Birthday, Lera! Did you know you share the exact same birthday (and birth year) as Brett Favre?? Can you tell I'm from Wisconsin??
beki said…
Oh shoot, I missed your birthday!
Happy belated Birthday, dear ;-) btw, are you sure you're not 29??
Anonymous said…
happy belated birthday!

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