Thursday's Thrifting

I finally found a set of eight Pyrex mugs! I've been wanting to replace mugs that I've head since we were first married. I had gotten rid of the plates and bowls years ago, but hung onto the mugs and saucers because we used the mugs for Easter egg dying. I can finally get rid of those and now use these Pyrex babies. These mugs are thicker than the Corelle ones, which they had, too, in the same pattern.

It's funny how most of the Pyrex I find is the same pattern. This spring blossom/crazy daisy pattern. I guess it must have been popular in its day.

And a bitty mushroom canister. They had the full set of four, minus one lid. I really don't need an entire canister set (do I? maybe I do ...) so I only bought the smallest one. It's so tiny, you can tell the size by the, ahem, candy corn Hershey's Kiss.

(Thanks for your kind words yesterday. After lunch, we visited the cemetery. Alana was very upset. It was sad to watch. It has been six years since her mother has died. She was only five at the time. She has lived longer without her mother than she had with her mother. We wonder how much she remembers.)


Erin said…
That pattern is my most favorite pattern. My parents had it when I was a kid and I LOVE it. My dad has the one left over plate from that set. Sigh.

Anyhow I never find it! How odd is that?

So in my book this is a stellar find! :)
Karyn said…
Good score on the mugs!! And do you know, I've seen that mushroom canister at VV a zillion times!!! I can't tell you how many times I've almost scooped it up!
The mushroom canister looks cute! All this talk about candy corn and I don't know what it is! I recently found some of those Reeses peanut butter chocolate that look like M&Ms and I love it. I have eaten about 6 packets since the 2 weeks I discovered it.
Anonymous said…
i was at an antique shop Saturday night and there was TONS of Pyrex. we need to make a trip there one day.
Bonus Mom said…
My family had the same pattern in corelle growing up :) Also my sister's neighbor had a Garage Sale Saturday and her Mother in-law had the whole set of mushroom stuff! I was so tempted... by whole set I mean everything, even the kitchen clock! I think about it a lot. I don't think it sold.

Also I always think about kids that lose a parent a lot. I know you give them extra hugs, since there mommy can't. Especially that day.
julie said…
A mushroom cannister--squeal! My grandparents have the entire mushroom line--cannister set, spice set, wall art--and I already made it clear about ten years ago that when they die, the mushroom stuff is MINE!!!

Along with the Pyrex.
Stacey said…
Your little mushroom cansiter is so cute! Wish I was as lucky at "finds" as you are! :)
Suzanne said…
That's so heartbreaking for your niece to have had her mother gone for so long, but it's awesome that your family keeps your sister alive for her kids. They will always know her through you. What a legacy.
Anonymous said…
It must have been a rough day - good that you were there for your niece. I am sure the love and support of their Aunts and Uncles means a lot to them.

And my mom had those exact canisters until, oh, maybe 10 years ago.
Beth said…
My parents had that pattern when I was a kid, plates, bowls, saucers, and cups. If only they still had it!
Diane said…
My heart breaks for little Alana.

Nice sneak-in of the candy corn chocolate kiss. yum.
Tori Leslie said…
Hey that's a good haul, love the little mushroom, very cute!
Anonymous said…
Oh that canister is so sweet! love it! I even bought a mushroom fabric all the way from Japan as it was so gorgeous. I'm firmly blaming Enid Blyton and the pics of those red and white mushrooms in her books.

At 6 she probably remembers fragments and needs help in knowing what it is she is remembering. Keep telling the stories and giving her as rounded a picture of her Mum and you can't to far wrong. :-)

I worked with some children using books by Marge Eaton Heegaard on the loss of a parent. There are 2 age groups 4-8 years and 9-teen years, depending on level of understanding. They were very good and a way in to talk too.
Amanda Jean said…
I didn't know pyrex made mugs, too. when I was a kid we dyed eggs in similar shaped cups, but they were blue and brown melmac. I forgot all about that until I read your post.

the pattern would be a great inspiration for a quilt.

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