We are having a thunderstorm in January! Can you believe it? It's thundering and lightning out there!

Well, at 3:15 p.m. Monday my new embroidery/sewing machine arrived. Because I had to read the thick owner's/instruction manual (and take Taylor to basketball), I wasn't able to try it out until 10:00 p.m. that night. It worked beautifully.

So far I've made a pink, fleece drawstring bag for Spenser; a monogrammed pillow for Carter, Jack and Mason; and I "embellished" one of Spenser's pink onesies with her name and a flower. Very cute. I can't say that my work turned out perfect, but it was nice getting to know my machine. Mason's name on his pillow is off center. He wanted his pillow to be orange and green. I did his name in orange and made a scalloped edging with green. Jack's name was green. No other embellishing (it was my first). Carter wanted his name in blue and red stitching around the outside, but *no* fancy stitches for him. I tried to leave a cute little 1" border, but he asked me to trim it more, so it's now more like 1/4". Taylor didn't want a pillow (I ran out of material and running scarce on batting).

Taylor is funny. This morning he asked if he could "buy breakfast" at school. I didn't know that was even a possibility. (Why have I been making breakfast all these mornings? I could be sleeping in!!!) He then explained that, when he woke up, he misread the clock and thought it said 6:59 a.m., but it was really 5:59, and he ate breakfast. By the time he was leaving for the bus (8:05 a.m.), he was hungry again. BOYS!!! He played on his PS2 all morning, when he could have had a second breakfast if he was really still hungry.

I gave him $ anyway, I thought maybe he just wanted to try it (he even claims they serve leftover pizza from Fridays on Monday mornings -- now Carter wants to start buying breakfast). But today, he came home with his money. He didn't think I wanted him to buy breakfast (I think he felt guilty). I explained I wouldn't have given him the money if I didn't want him to buy it and that I didn't want him to be hungry. So, now he wants to buy it tomorrow...


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