Good Days

and this: (The front fabric is Tracy Porter home dec and I will use it for the exterior of the Amy Butler Betty Shopper. The back fabrics, only $1 a yard, will become either shorts; capris, ones that fit; or more A-line dresses for Spenser. I'm even considering making a simple tablecloth for her play table so she can play with her dishes.)

I did return to Jo-Ann's on Saturday and bought a few more floral fabrics at $1 a yard and one yard of white chenille at half price (with my 50% off coupon).
And I would just like to add that today, May 2nd, I am 20 weeks pregnant. Officially half-way through (unless of my complications, then I may have to have my first c-section at about 37 weeks -- then I am more than half-way through!).