
Here's my little guy with his legs above his head. I wasn't able to see much of him because the monitor was turned away from me (and there is only one in the room). He was a cutie. He waved a couple of times and snuggled his head and neck around like newborns do. It was very cute to see it in utero.
Well, unfortunately, I learned nothing today. They won't tell you anything at that dumb radiology place. I guess the first time they did because I was having a problem and the radiologist came in to talk to me.
At Hopkins last month, they talked to me the entire time during the sonogram and the radiologist came in to speak to me.
So today, the girl says, "Okay, we'll have the report to your doctor in 2-3 business days, " which translate to at least Thursday with the holiday. At Johns Hopkins, they faxed the report to my doctor the very same day. Such a difference in care. I much prefer Hopkins (and my insurance covers them).
Joe couldn't tell anything from the sonogram. Although the one view I had of the baby, he was snuggling into my placenta, and she was scanning low on the outside of my abdomen. I guess we'll just have to wait for the "official report."


christy said…
that sucks. i would have had to demand the location of my placenta!

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