December Happenings

On Friday I hung up our stocking advent calendar. The children were excited to see it come out. I can't fill the stockings ahead of time because it is hanging within arm's reach of many curious little ones who peek and squeeze it, looking for hints and clues for the evenings' activities. Another reason I don't fill it ahead of time is because sometimes the activities have to fit into our schedule. Late nights out mean a small, quick snack or activity.

On Saturday, the first, we planted Christmas tree seeds. I found a little tin with a peat pellet and seeds in the dollar bin at Michaels. I thought it would be fun to see if anything will sprout by Christmas day.

Sunday we ate swirled Lifesaver lollipops. I had totally forgotten about those things until I saw them at our local grocery store, 10 for $1. Mmmm. They brought back some memories. (Remember Strawberry 'n Cream, Orange 'n Cream, Blueberry 'n Cream, Strawberry 'n Banana? Any more I forgot? Was there a Cherry 'n Banana? The sticks weren't labeled like they used to be.)

Monday was a late night out (school Christmas concert), so the children enjoyed Cereal Straws and a glass of milk.

Tuesday (last) night was the littlest nativity set I have ever seen. My plan was to talk about the different people who make up the nativity. It was a late night (karate) and the boys were having attitudes, so we briefly looked at it and they went to bed. I told them we would try it again tonight.

And tonight's schedule? I haven't decided yet. I still have time ...


Karyn said…
What fun Lera! And the stockings look so pretty hanging there all in a row.
Anonymous said…
Thursday is Aidin's Holiday Concert (she has a SPEAKING part!) and that IS our activity for that night. Tonight for us is letters to Santa, if that gives you any help. :)
Anonymous said…
i love your little stockings. i never got it together to put anything together - so we're just crafting like it was part of the plan instead of somehting special. cute little nativity set.
beki said…
Oh boy, I used to LOVE those lollipops! That sure brings back memories. Didn't they used to have a hole in the middle?
Me and Him said…
The stockings look so cute all hung in a row.

That nativity set is tiny!
I love the stockings. Very festive indeed.

The lollipops look really yummy. We don't have anything like that here. Not that I know of anyway.
Chara Michele said…
Such a neat idea. The stockings look wonderful.

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