Karate Ornaments

My four oldest boys take karate. I think Taylor is a green belt, Carter (?) is red, Jackson (?) is yellow, Mason is white. This year I decided to make karate uniform ornaments to reflect their current belt color. (Spenser gets the pink karate uniform and Sawyer gets the baby blue one.)

The uniform is made from felt. The belts are just ribbon. I didn't have yellow on hand, so I'll have to find some in a hurry or use some bias tape temporarily.

Each uniform is hanging on a handmade, wire hanger (made from 16-gauge crafting wire).

The boys have a karate tournament tomorrow. I was going to put them in our advent stocking tomorrow night, but our tree is not up yet (waiting for a birthday sleepover next Friday to be over, I don't need my Christmas tree flipped). I'm not sure if I can wait until next week. I'm so excited about them.

Every year we buy the children a dated Christmas ornament, with the hope that when they move out, they will have their own set. Last year I made some and bought them each a dated one. You can never have enough. Right?

Thanks for the birthday wishes for Jack yesterday, I truly appreciate them. Blogger has not been notifying me of comments lately.


kirsten said…
love the karate ornaments! you should just date them instead of buying a second set! :) very VERY cute idea, lera!

Lora said…
Those are cute Lera!!! Great idea
Katie Jean said…
omg those are adorable! I loooove those!
Karyn said…

I can't even stand how cute those are!!

I was trying to squint and see how you did the hangers when I scrolled down and saw the photo of them. Brilliant!!!!!

Anonymous said…
That is AWESOME! Do the kids absolutely love them?
Anonymous said…
Those are fantastic! What a memorable ornament that will be years down the road.

And we only got our tree in the stand last night and the lights on. Nothing else. Note to self: check that the lights work BEFORE you string them on the tree. Grrr....

And no, you can't have enough ornaments. :)
Mary Sarah said…
Those are so cute and they'll be a great memory for the kids!
Anonymous said…
Those are too cute!
Thanks for all the comments. I hope you and your family are doing well this cold winter season.

FinnyKnits said…
Woman, you are too much. Those karate ornaments are awesome and your ornament collection idea is so sweet. How you have time to be so thoughtful and creative is really amazing.
Lori B said…
Adorable! What a great, clever idea!
kristin said…
WOA these are sweet.
Anonymous said…
so CUTE! and those hangers - can i say CUTE again? - are so CUTE!
What a great idea Lera. They are so cute.
Becky said…
Wow great ornaments, did you make the pattern yourself? I'd love to have this pattern to make a couple for our tree.
dig this chick said…
amazing. Your creativity and endless energy....did the kiddos love them?

Thanks for your comment...I didn't make #3 son's b day so I'll shoot for #1!
beki said…
oh my gosh, lera, those are adorable!!
Amanda Jean said…
love those karate ornaments. so adorable!
Chara Michele said…
Love those karate ornaments!
Me and Him said…
Love your karate suits. They are awesome.

I give my friends two daughters a new ornament every year. And the first year I made a photo album each. So they can put a photo of each decoration in it with a note about who it was from, the year and the memory. Eg lasy year they got disney ornaments, because they went to Disneyland for thefirst time.

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