Tea Cups
I have been wanting to collect a few miscellaneous teacups and saucers for Spenser's upcoming birthday party this year (well, actually not until November, but I like to get a head start on these things). I decided that each time I go thrifting, I would look for a set. Somehow yesterday I managed to find six!
They are all so dainty and darling. Some made in Japan. Some in China. One in England. I think I'm off to a good start!
Is this a tradition? Gifting tea sets for daughters?
How is the sheet supply?
Maybe my girlfriends and I need a nice Sunday afternoon teaparty.
Welol done with the skirt find too- hope you had lots of fun with your company.
No tutorial, just pictures of a completed project.
Lera, I always love seeing your ideas, cute tea cups!