I Might Sew

For a few months now, Amandajean and I have talked about making the Habitual kimono and the "Miss Chris" shirt. Although I've cut out both patterns, I haven't selected fabric. (Why is that the hardest part lately?) And so they sit.

But today I declare "I might sew!"

I might sew as in, maybe tomorrow I might sew. Not today. Today Spenser has an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist, just like all my boys have in the past. There was a heart murmur detected at her last well checkup and we need to have her checked out. We are blessed that we have an excellent pediatric cardiologist. He is a Hopkins doctor who travels around Maryland. In essence, he comes to us instead of us going to him in Baltimore. One Friday a month he visits my little part of Maryland. After today, he will have checked all six of them. I'm hoping it's nothing, but a few of the boys have a history with problems.

Do you have any Works-in-Progress for this weekend? (I'd like to make this, too, soon.)


Brenda said…
Good morning to you. That looks really cute. I made a doll dress and apron yesterday. I'll put it on my blog today. Weekends are spent with my grandchildren. But I plan on getting them in the woods to play while I work.
April said…
Good luck with the sewing and the cardiologist. We have one of those too! My son actually had a coarctation of the aorta when he was born. Also a hole and an undersized ventricle flap. Nice huh. But he is doing fantastic. Amazing really. We see the doc twice a year, and soon maybe only every 8 months.
I hope to sew a few door stops and a few pimped out binky bags for my sons bed.
Anonymous said…
Those are both great little patterns. Good luck choosing your fabric and I can't wait to see your finished products. I'm hoping to work on a quilt top and to make some cloth napkins this weekend. Happy Sewing!
Lana said…
hope it goes well!
misschris said…
Hey, I have a heart murmur, too. :) Nothing serious though. I just have to take antibiotics before the dentist. Weird. Good luck with that appt.

Anyway, hurrah for the shirt! I hope you get to whipping one or two up this weekend. It's so stinking easy. Can't wait to see...have fun.
nikko said…
Looks like some fun sewing in the works. That kimono is darling. Maybe my little one isn't too big for a shirt like that for the summer...
I do have a WIP. I started on a Roxy dress for DD's birthday, then changed my mind coz it was too big and I couldn't be bothered unpicking it.

DS had a heart murmur too and was checked out by a specialist. Thank goodness it is nothing to be concerned about.
Amanda Jean said…
i like that...today i declare, "I might sew." now that's not wishy washy at all. ;)

i hope everything went ok at the cardiologist today.

my WIP for this weekend is to work on my new bento box quilt for my bed. and maybe start ripping apart my bathroom. fun times. :)
Liz said…
Too funny... I have the same pattern (that I also bought after seeing it over at MissChris's place) ready to go. But there it sits - cut out but unsewn. I need to get cracking!
V and Co. said…
oh man do i have projects lined up. i need to finish some you know?

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