Not the Friday Night I Was Expecting

Friday nights are another family night for us. (In addition to Monday nights.) We almost always have pizza for dinner and we always watch a movie and gorge ourselves on popcorn and other yummy snacks.

This past Friday (the 13th, no less) was a little different. Taylor had a birthday party to attend and Carter's best buddy was spending the night. It was just after dinner. We were literally minutes away from watching our movie and the boys were tidying up the family room.

I heard Spenser cry, but all of the four younger ones had cried at some point that evening (two of them over the computer and Play Station). I blew it off, thinking it was "just another one crying again." Man, the guilt. The guilt!!

When we finally found out what was wrong with Spenser (honestly only a few seconds after her cry), I freaked out. Sawyer (our little door police, who loves to close doors), shut the bathroom door on her fingers. Her fingers were stuck in the hinge-part of the door.

After one look at the large crease in her finger, we immediately knew she had to go to the emergency room. She and I headed in. They x-rayed it and determined she had broken her middle finger just above the first joint. (She smashed her pointer, too, but they didn't x-ray that one.)

Unfortunately she's right-handed, and it's her right hand. She's having to learn to do everything with her left hand, which is difficult for her. However, she put together her puzzle with her left hand, so she is improving.

When the Physician's Assistant at the hospital told me that she needed to see an orthopedic specialist and that they could recommend one if we needed one, I replied, "Oh, we have one." He looked at my quizzically and asked, "You have one??" I answered, "yes." Then he asked, "Who do you have??" When I told him the name of the doctor, he commented he was a very good one. I agree, it must be weird to "have an orthopedic specialist," but considering Spenser's broken leg and Sawyer's fractured collar bone, we have one.


craftyclaire said…
Oh you poor thing! I hope your daughter gets better soon, and her fingers don't hurt too much. Have a great week Claire
Valerie said…
Never a dull moment! Poor darling!
Brenda said…
Poor baby. Layla is always screaming about little things. I've let her know about "The boy that cryed wolf".
Anonymous said…
poor Spenser. Can't even get a break from her younger brother! No pun intended.
Katie Jean said…
ooh poor girl! Hope that heals up quickly. Luckily kids seem to recover much quicker than us adults!
nikko said…
Poor sweet girl! I guess this means you didn't get around to sewing...
Erika said…
poor Spenser, I hope she can feel much better now. I agree with you after all day of non-scence cries and stuff is normal to blew out and then, guilt because it was a real thing. o well that is life.
Stacey said…
So sorry...hope she is feeling better soon! She looks in pretty good spirits for her little broken finger. :( Sorry.......
misschris said…
Ouch. That looks like it really hurts. Poor thing.

On the upside, I paused with complete awe when I read 'the boys were tidying up the family room'.
Amanda Jean said…
oh, her poor little fingers!!! i know all about the kids crying over video games. had some of that going on here last night.
Anonymous said…
My goodness! Poor Spenser. And Poor mom!!! There is never a dull moment in your home.
beki said…
Oh my goodness, poor dear! I hope she heals quickly.
Suzanne said…
Oh man! Jack did that to Audrey when she was about 11 months old; because of her age, they said the bone was more like cartiledge and so we didn't need surgery or other, but it was a long time before she was painfree and right again. Big hugs to you -- you just can't get a break! LOL!
Unknown said…
Poor little sweetie! I had a daycare kid get her fingers slammed in that part of the door once while my own daughter continued to try to shut the door. :( So traumatic! I hope she heals quickly!
Cindy Is Crafty said…
Bless her little heart and her finger, too!
Jane said…
Poor Spenser! Looks like she's being a brave little lady tho.
Anonymous said…
doors! i hate them and would remove them all if it was logistically possible. why is it that kids love to close them so much?

i'm going to show your daughters fingers to my own door slamming gang!

i do hope your dear gets well soon. even ardent door slammers shouldn't have to suffer so.
Kris said…
Ouch! I chuckled when I read that you 'have' an orthopedic surgeon. (We do too!) Then I read the post below and realised that you 'have' a pediactric cardiologist too! Hope those fingers are better soon. Your daughter might end up being ambidextrous! I have one of those. Even at 18 she still uses both hands interchangably.
Melissa said…
Hey don't feel bad we have an ortho too!
Amy Siegert said…
Ouchies!!! What a little trooper!! Don't feel too bad, Mom- I think we all do the same thing (the crying kind of blends into our background noise).
FinnyKnits said…
Oh poor peanut, that looks really painful. Sounds like she's a total champ, though. Thankfully you *have* a specialist for these things ;)

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