Mother of the Year, I Am Not

On Wednesday evening (yes, Wednesday evening) Sawyer fell off of a kitchen stool while I stood next to him chopping chives. It was a thud that every mother hates to hear. The smack of the side of his head onto the hard floor below. It made me sick.

I scooped him up and tried to comfort him. He was crying. He was dripping from his eyes, nose and mouth (just saliva, but lots of it). I checked his pupils and they responded to light. He finally settled down after about 20 minutes. I was so worried about his poor head. I knew it hurt. I heard it and it hurt my head just hearing it repeat in my head over and over and over again.

When he finally calmed down enough, he touched his collar bone and said, "boo-boo." I hadn't even realized that he had landed on his shoulder area. I had been so concerned about his head. Sawyer was able to move his arm and was even able to put his arm into his bib with minimal discomfort.

He seemed better. Just bruised.

Thursday he seemed the same. He complained a little about his boo-boo, but not a lot. Mostly when I would try to pick him up (under the arm, I kept forgetting about that poor shoulder).

Friday afternoon my mother and I realized he had a bump on his collar bone. Our doctor's office told me to take him to the Emergency Room. (I waited two days before I called.)

After a short visit and an x-ray later, it was confirmed that he has fractured his left clavicle (collar bone). Poor guy. I feel terrible for him.

The P.A. who saw him said that he thought Sawyer looked great and didn't see any reason to put him in a sling or in a figure-eight, but that we should follow up with an orthopedic specialist. (I guess it's a good thing we already have one ...) However, since Friday, he is not using his arm as much. He holds it to his side while he runs. Oh, and he said not to let him run or jump or climb for four weeks. Uh, yeah, right ...


Anonymous said…
oh, poor little guy! (and mama). if it makes you feel better, my 3yo fell off of our swingset and we spent 4 hours in the er on the afternoon of my daughter's baptism.
hope he's feeling better!
beki said…
Oh no, poor baby!
Give yourself a break Lera, accidents happen. You're a GREAT mother :-)
Poor Sawyer. Accidents do happen so don't beat yourself up. He will be back to his usual self before you know it. Hugs to you and Sawyer.
Emily said…
Goodness, Sawyer seems to be having lots of pain lately. Could it be something the matter with his E.N.T (eardrums) causing him to be unable to balance?
jessica said…
Oh no! It's so sad when our babies get hurt, but it happen. And good luck with the no running and jumping - I'm with you - yeah right!
Barbara said…
Poor baby. (I mean both of you.) Both of my kids have gone at least 24 hours with undiagnosed fractures, which still makes me feel awful even years later. They recovered, even if I didn't. I hope you do! I know Sawyer will.
Anonymous said…
Poor little man! All kids have accidents. I know mine did. The good news is they heal really fast. You still get my vote for mother of the year--six kiddos all under the age of 12. Yes, you most definitely get my vote! Seriously, you're a great mother, don't beat yourself up.
Anonymous said…
ohhhh poor kiddo. but wow, he took it all in stride. I'm sure I wouldn't have caught it either. You ARE a great mom! Don't doubt it for a second. Kissed to the wee one and a big hug for you.
Sarah and Jack said…
Oh goodness Lera! Hopefully he is on the mend soon.
Melody said…
OUCHIE!!! That must have hurt! What a brave little guy he is to only say boo-boo and not make much of a fuss. I can tell you that a grown up like me would have made massive tears from something like that.

Lera, I am tagging you with the "Tree of Happiness" award.
Anonymous said…
Sympathies Lera. If he had been in extreme pain, he would've let you know, as it is the dr has diagnosed the problem and Sawyer isn't in plaster or anything like that. You went with your gut instict at the time, and that is all any of us can do.

Sawyer will do what he can manage. If it hurts he'll stop. Hugs, not a nice thing to happen.
caliconurse said…
awww big hugs...we've done the fx clavicle here too. Luckily it does heal.
misschris said…
oh no! Lera, my heart jumped to my throat when I started to read this. I hope little Sawyer recovers quickly. And you, my dear are a wonderful mommy. *hugs* for both of you sweethearts...
Autum said…
Oh sweetie, I know how you feel, the exact same thing happened to us with Casey. He was older than Sawyer, but it was 2 days before we realized he needed to go to the ER. He was fine in no time and Sawyer will be too! {{{hugs}}} to you both!
Katie Jean said…
oooh poor sawyer! I hope he makes a speedy recovery. These things happen all the time. You do deserve mother of the year, lera!
Karyn said…
Poor Sawyer...I'm sure he'll be his old zippy self in no time!

I'm sure by now DianNe has told you about how I had a broken arm for a day when I was a toddler and she neglected to take me to the hospital. It ended up having to be re-broken because it had already started to heal.

SHE should be Mother-of-the-Year! ;)
Me and Him said…
Ooh Lera, you are a great mum. If it makes you feel better, I had a greenstick fracture as a kid, but mum thought I was just complaining to get attention. So she stuck a bandage on it, gave me some chocolate and told me to go read. About 2 months later I had to have an xray on my knee, and they asked how long ago I broke the bone and when did the cast come off as it was healing nicely. Mum felt really bad.

I hope Sawyer is feeling better soon.
Lana said…
oh no! poor baby!
Cindy Is Crafty said…
Poor little man. He has had a tough summer! Don't beat yourself up too much, Lera! He will get better and be okay, too.

Perhaps you should suit him up for every day like the Michelin Man with tires from head to toe. That way he would bounce.
Oh no! Poor little guy! I'm so glad he's going to be alright though! Never a dull moment in your home.
hooli said…
oh oh oh, that is SO sad.
But you know you are an amazing parent.
Diane said…
I've heard that unforgettable head-thud sound. It's a little known fact, that only good mothers feel sick when they hear it. So, you're in the clear! Hope you are BOTH feeling better soon.
Anonymous said…
Oh no! I lost your email address!!!!!! I don't know what happened! I hope sweet Sawyer is alright. Your bra story had me in tears. I have shrunk to a AA. I don't know how it happened. If I could only move my "excess" butt to my chest I would be great!
Lora said…
Oh gosh Lera!!
Keep him from is there a drug for that????
kira said…
Poor little guy!!! I know you are probably hearing this a lot, but don't beat yourself up about this ... at this stage he can't articulate as well as the older ones. You're a good Mommy & accidents happen, a lot with kids.
Kris said…
This is going to sound like I'm showing off, but we have only had one broken bone here (okay, I am showing off), but I know that if kids are in lots of pain they will really let you know about it! My son broke his arm and I knew it was broken before I even looked at it because he looked so ill. Your guy must not have been feeling too badly or you would have known straight away. I think you are a great mum! (We mothers of big families need to stick together!)
Anonymous said…
poor little guy - and poor you. you probably feel worse than he does.

my son broke his clavical on the way out. for a week i couldn't figure out why he didn't like laying on his side, being cuddled on my chest, etc....until his 1 week appt and the doctor sent me to the xray room. so there i was with a baby, one week old in the xray room. i don't have to tell you what i'm SURE people were thinking of me...

prayers that the sound of the thud leaves your ears soon.
Amanda Jean said…
oh, i could hear the thud just by reading the story. I hope he heals up quickly. poor little guy.

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