Two Shirts

I bought these two shirts in early spring thinking I would freezer-paper stencil them for Spenser and Sawyer. Yeah, that never happened. (Believe it or not, I have yet to try that technique.)

Yesterday I found these in my to-do pile and realized if I didn't let them wear them soon, they would outgrow them. I decided the quickest way to save these shirts was a simple applique. I wasn't thinking both Spenser and Sawyer begin with the letter S, but oh well.

I used the heavy-duty Heat 'n Bond that isn't supposed to require sewing. I've used it in the past and after a washing or two, it needed to be stitched down. I didn't stitch it down this time. I'm going to try my luck at it.

You may have surmised that I made Mason's 6 shirt for his birthday. I made it Monday night, as soon as he went to bed. I had terrible sewing machine/thread/tension problems that night and a project that should have taken five minutes to satin stitch took over an hour. I had to thread and rethread the machine and bobbin numerous times. Clean the shuttle. Replace the needle three times. Say a few not-so-nice comments to my machine, one that I was about to throw it out the window. And I was nearly close. (Until Joe told me he wouldn't buy me a new one if I did ...) All in all, I think it was bad thread. Up close the shirt looks pretty yucky and puckery. There are a lot of loose threads and bunchy tension spots on the inside and Mason said it tickles his body. I was so happy I finished it, I honestly didn't care if he wore it or not.

(Joe said the two S-shirts are "freaky bro and creaky fro." He doesn't care for them much.)


Amanda said…
Very cute! I have a whole pile of shirts waiting for me to do something with them. We get tons of hand me downs, and I always save the plain ones to do something to.

Try some fusible interfacing on the inside of the "6" shirt. That will keep the itchiness away.
Anonymous said…
Joe cracks me up. "Freaky bro and creaky fro" Thanks for the chuckle!
I love the "S" shirts! Too cute! Esp the polka dots on top of stripes. Such a fun kid look.
nikko said…
I've been doing the number shirts all summer for birthday parties, etc. Mine are getting all ripple-y around the curves, too. Last one I made (a "5") I put paper behind as I sewed, but it still was pucker-y. I wonder what a good solution is?

I like the shirts -- you should have them wear them together like twins, LOL. ;o)
Anonymous said…
Hia Lera I used Pellam when sewing through a knitwear fabric. It irons on and has a fluffy back so it doesn't scratch like an iron on vilene. I've found I can use cheap top thread but unless I tighten the screw on the bobin casing the thinner cheap thread just runs through causing tension problems.

Well done for getting the skirts done!
Karyn said…
Very cute shirts and I LOVE the new banner!
hooli said…
You are so clever. Always doing fun things for your kids.
Bridget said…
You just reminded me I have 3 shirts I was going to applique about 2 months ago- whoops. My machine likes to chew up my applique unless I use a really good interfacing on the inside of the shirt. Your shirts look great in the picture!
Amanda Jean said…
I've used the heavy duty heat and bond and I WANTED to sew over it, but i am so afraid that it will gum up my machine. have you had any problems with that? (I have an 8 shirt to make in the next few days. by request, even! I guess you have to be willing to commit to a tradition if you do it once even.)

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