It Has Changed My Life

For over twelve years, I have been wearing nursing bras, as I was pregnant and/or nursing for that long. Even though Sawyer recently decided to (suddenly) wean himself this past spring, I have been still wearing those darn bras. Ones I bought toward the end of my pregnancy with Spenser.

It might not be so bad if they fit. They didn't fit. They were, um, how shall I say this? ... Baggy ... Yes. My bras were baggy. There I said it. Nine years of nursing have done me in.

I was still waiting for my body to regulate itself and I promised myself (every day and night) that I would buy new bras soon. (Taking six kids bra shopping is not my idea of a good time.) Wearing an improperly fitting bra is terrible. If you haven't tried it yet, I wouldn't recommend it. It can really ruin your day.

I can say that now because I see what it's like on the other side. The side of fitted bras.

In the past, I have consulted websites to measure myself for a ballpark figure of what my size should be. (I used this one the other day.) Sadly, after measuring myself, I learned that my size had decreased substantially since my pre-baby days. According to the chart, I was measuring 36 AAAA. Okay, the chart doesn't actually go to AAAA, but if I keep subtracting the difference, in the manner provided, I'm sure that would be my correct size.

I had to run into Walmart (of all the places I did not want to buy a bra) to pick up some medicine. I decided I would just see if they had anything decent, just to see.

My poor boys. I had Taylor and Carter with me. But I promise, I did not torture them by running into the dressing room. I surveyed the poor selection of bras (mostly a terrible polyester) and spied one 100% cotton bra in a 36A for like $6. I shoved it in my cart to spare my boys any further humiliation, picked up my other needed items and left the store.

Holy mackerel! Let me tell you that I cannot believe the difference. I am wearing a bra that fits me. For the first time in so long I can't even remember back that far. This has changed my life. It has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. I'm just biding my time until Kohls has their next 50% bra sale. Then I'm headed there. (Oh, crud, it looks like they are having a sale now!)

But, in the meantime, do you have a favorite bra? Please! I'm desperate! Can you help out a gal?

(And, by the way, the 36A is only a teensy bit baggy. Maybe if I shove a cotton ball or two in them, they will fit better. I hope I haven't offended anyone with this post. Please tell me you are laughing with me...) Have a great weekend!


Lora said…
OH Lera I hate bra shopping. I told my hubby one day I had two bras that were not even good, just useable. He sent me off to Kohls and told me to get 10 pair. Having only 2 bras and that be something I wear every day was disturbing to him. I asked him "Have you priced a bra lately dear???" Luckily I went to Kohls on a buy 2 get 1 free, so I got myself 6 new bras. The girls are a bit perkier now with the new bras. They do make a difference eh!? haha
As far as a favorite, I don't have one. I usually go for the Olga and Bali's though. They feel the best one me.
Anonymous said…
oh, a good bra makes all the difference! Especially when you're NOT an A! :) i've tried department store brands, but it was a 'holy cow'! moment when i bought my first victoria's secret bra years ago. and there's nothing else that works for me. amazing the difference and well worth the money. really you deserve somthing nice after all those years of breastfeeding!!!
julie said…
I usually look in Marshalls or TJMaxx for Wacoal bras. For me, they are too expensive to pay full price but they are so nice. Good luck and raising 6 kids, you deserve some new bras!
Liz Harrell said…
Wahoo! This is exciting! Bra shopping is ALMOST as bad as jean shopping. But not quite. Glad things worked out... good luck finding more. My rule is; if I find a bra or a pair of black dress pants that fit great, I always buy two.
kira said…
So maybe I should stop by their sale too! I've been non-stop pregnant/nursing for the past six years and my current bra has NO padding, the underwires came out and I'm a D, so it's not a pretty support. LOL. But I completely understand the problem with bra shopping with kids ...
Anonymous said…
i used to be all about the walmart bras but i've since converted...i finally bit the bullet a few months ago and purchased some victoria secret bras after my others were so worn out and lacked any support. based on measurements i'm supposed to be a 40A but that's not even a size so I'm wearing a 38B comfortably. i'm LOVING the VS cotton bras (2/$40). there's the perfect amount of padding and just enough stretch. usually with the walmart bras that have a smidge of padding they get dented being in the drawer and you're stuck with what looks like inverted nipples or dents on your boobs. i bought a few colors of the VS cotton and i wear them everyday. i bought some of the fancier, uplifting bras at VS too but i never seem to wear them. i'm really wanting to try the biofit bra that has different types of padding for different cup sizes.
Anonymous said…
I'm laughing...but mostly in self-pity. I USED to be that size. Gearing up for baby #2, we're headed into D territory (again.) Oh, how I miss my shirts! Ladies in my family really liked the Victoria Secret IPEX, but I wasn't too thrilled with it. Consumer Reports actually did a little blurb on bras the other month, and really liked one at Target, that runs about $10 I think. Good luck!
Jessica said…
Oh Lera ~ I almost spit out my coffee! I haven't worn a well fitting bra in years (since I was pg with my oldest). But I have the opposite problem. I'm wearing a 38 DDD and its too SMALL!!

I have yet to find a favorite bra. I hear Nordstrom has some wonderful ones ~ I just cringe at spending that kind of money.
Annie Scarlett said…
I finally purchased my first non-nursing bra in 4 years last month, so I know what you're going through : ) I really like Bali Concealers. They're not really padded, but they have a little "petal" in a certain area so that you don't have to worry about anything poking out : ) I got mine on sale at JC Penny. They make them with and without underwire.
Sonja said…
I spent most of my pregnancy in bras that didn't really fit. I actually had trouble breathing...
But I hate bra-shopping. HATE IT.
My favorite bras are Passionata, which you can only buy online or in Europe (I usually buy bras when I visit my family in Germany). I also have some Balis I'm pretty happy with.
Kelly said…
As a fellow AAA-wearer, let me tell you that I finally gave up on Victoria's Secret (they prefer to cater to the B-cup and up club) and have switched to Gap Body. I'm very happy with them, and they'll measure you and be very nice about the whole thing. Plus, I found that I'm a slightly larger cup size at Gap Body, which is always encouraging.
utmommy said…
I hate hate hate bra shopping too. I've been there when my bra was sagging. It's not fun! But, I bra that fits really does make a difference. Glad you found one!
Karyn said…
I'm laughing (in a good way), it looks like you've found a topic that every woman can relate to in some way or another!

Underwire (for me) is an absolute must. My question is this...why can't they sew the underwire in so that it doesn't rip through the stitching and poke out???? Once that happens, the bra is garbage. No amount of mending can fix that.

Now I feel like I need to go bra shopping.
misschris said…
:) Laughing with you!

A good bra makes all the difference. I am currently loving the ones at Target by self expressions that have scalloped edging, but no sewn-on trim. The sides have no trim either, so they are reaaalllly smooth. I like a good VS bra as well, but have a real hard time paying $45 for underwear!
Acorn said…
Laughing with you!
Try a training bra!!! I also have a small chest and that's what I use.

I just discovered you're blog. You will be one of 4 I read daily.
Anonymous said…
I used to be a 34A but I gained a little weight and now I'm more like a 36C and I HATE it! I miss my 34A chest when I could sleep comfortably on my stomach! I usually buy my bras on sale at the Victoria's Secret website. They are a little pricey, but they last forever. I like anything that doesn't have an underwire. Can't stand underwires!
hooli said…
oh sister!
OK... here's the deal there is a bra out there called, Thank Goodness It Fits. I think it's a playtex bra. My friends bought if for me as a gag, and it actually fit. I didn't tell THEM because I'm too embarrassed. But they have "nearly" sizes. So, I literally wear a nearly A.
I know, it's sad.
But when I pass the little girls department in Target and see the training bras I actually wonder, "Could I get away with that?"
Congrats on your new foundation pieces.
I'm going the other route, permanent boobs for x-mas.
laura capello said…
there's NOTHING like an awesome fitting bra.

i just order two new ones and they've pushed the girls so high, people think i've lost weight.

here's what i got:

love, love, love it!
The P*dunc's said…
Yep, laughing! I can't help you, though. I am in the same boat. I recently went to see my family out west and was asked by my sister why I was still wearing my nursing bra. I need to venture out and get a new bra, too!
Anonymous said…
Oh, if only my boobs were shrinking. but I'm not going to have 4 more children to make it so. :)
And yes, a good fitting bra makes all the difference. And your boys are such troopers. good job, guys.
Anonymous said…
you R 2 funny! well mine certainly did NOT shrink, but only got bigger. i finally found the best bra ever....Maidenform. My husband actually had his best friend ask him "if they were real".kinda embarrassing knowing his best friend is looking at me that way! ha ha found the bra at Kohl's and i do not mind paying 20.00 for a bra...great investment!
FinnyKnits said…
Oh dear. What a pain. I can't go into the stores to deal with bras because I'm such a "popular size", as those ninnies put it, that whatever I want is always sold out.

So I go online and order a white, black, nude and FUN version of the same bra every year. Because, the girls wear them out dontyouknow.

It's a bit of an expenditure, but worth it: Body by Victoria, IPEX

Good luck! You deserve it!
Anonymous said…
LOL - I get my bras in the girls section at Walmart. The brand is Maidenform for Girls, size 36 A. Most A cups are too big for me, but this one seems to run a bit smaller than an average A. They are underwired and lightly padded and really smooth, which I like. The only bad thing is that they tend to wear out after about a year or so.
Holly said…
Wow. This post really made me laugh - good for you for not being afraid to talk about a subject that affects all of us! I'm just about to re-enter the nursing bra stage...I'm not looking forward to it, I have to say. (Seven months pregnant..."real" bras are getting pretty uncomfortable...I know I'm in for a year and a half of floppy bras!) But the bras I treated myself to after I stopped nursing my first child were Victoria Secret's Body by Victoria. They are amazing. I love them. They are expensive, it's true, but the way I think about it is that I wear them every single day. I have no other articles of clothing that work that hard. If I only had three or four shirts in my wardrobe, I would be sure they were high quality shirts.
Unknown said…
Oh goodness - get yourself to a Victoria Secret and give yourself a present! Their bras are the best - I don't buy anything else! They last forever and they are comfortable!
Diane said…
You've struck a nerve with so many of us! I still wear a soft nursing bra at night because things are just, well, uncomfortable otherwise. Just recently, I returned to pre-prego bras, but I have had no idea about where to go from here. They're just not right. So many times, I've just left a store discouraged. Now, I have a list of places/styles to try. Thanks! Hope some of the other suggestions work for you too.
Lori B said…
Ha! We're the same size! I like the "nearly A" series from Playtex. It might fit you better. I also adore my "Barely There" bra - I think I got it at Kohl's.
Kristi said…
I am with you. last time I went bra shopping- way too long ago, I thought I was a b- then happened to try on an A- wha la. yep. shrinkage. it's all good, I guess. I am inspired to go out- even to walmart! I also wanted to tell you I was at a thrift store and picked up two fabulous pyrex bowls that I probably would not have looked twice at if I didn't read your blog! thanks.
Me and Him said…
Victoria's Secret for me. They are a tad pricer, but I always try to get the buy 2 for $...offer. I also get black, white, nude and fun in which ever style I like and fits best.

A properly fitted bra makes a big difference.
jenny said…
I hear ya sister!

I have been using the nursing bras for 6 years now and I see at least 2 more years before I can go back to regular bras again. In that little moment of in-between time I went back to wearing my favorite comfy 100 percent cotton bra and I can't for the life of me see the brand name-- it's all worn off and the wire just popped out. boo hoo!

Target has a pretty good selection of cotton bras, but yeah.. go without the kiddos. For my birthday 2 years ago, I got to go shopping ALL BY MYSELF for the whole day-- bliss!
I am definitely laughing with you and I can so relate to you. Let's just say after 4 years of continuous breasfeeding, things are quite the same as they were. I wonder if 9 years of breastfeeding is very much different in terms of *ahem* shrinkage?

Anyway, I did get myself new bras a little while after I stopped breastfeeding and they do make such a difference don't they?
dig this chick said…
Bra shopping giant girls are craving a non-nursing bra and I have only been nursing for 7 months not 12 years! Good gawd woman. I love Wacoal bras.
Hideaway Girl said…
I’m not sure exactly how I found your blog, but I'm SO glad I did! I love the vintage Pyrex I inherited from my grandmother all the more after reading your posts about Pyrex goods.

I too have been pregnant or breast feeding for much of the past nine years, including right now. My bra size even changes throughout the day – I’m a little bustier in the morning, maybe a ‘C’ and after feeding my little one all day, maybe a ‘B’. And I am sure by the time all is said and done I’ll just be wishing for any sort of measurable cleavage. My last bra was a Wal*Mart special with kids in tow as well - Such a glamorous life! :) My good friend swears by Victoria Secret, and in fact posted on this subject not too long ago…
Jo-Anne said…
My favorite bra is NO bra! Burn 'em all, I say!! LOL!
Really, I hate bras. I can never find one that fits comfortably or doesn't make me look like the girls are standing at attention.

I vividly remember the nursing bra decade and never want to relive that. I can tell you that your post-nursing girls will eventually perk back up. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking,"OH no! They look like bush woman b**bs!" But here I am, 12 years later with so much b**b I don't know what to do with it all!
Happy day!
Tonya said…
I am LOL : ) I also recently decided to buy some bras that fit me properly. Unlike you, I got bigger since nursing 7 kids, which isn't exactly good, because the bigger they are the more they sag : ( Anyway, even though I would love my 34 B back, I decided I need to live in reality. I *thought* I was a 36C, but the 36 was always riding up, however the cup in a 34 C was just too small. On a whim, I tried a 34 D, perfect! I can't believe I wear a D, I'm not very happy, but the bra fits, which is nice. I buy my bras at Target, and find they have a nice selection for a good price. My favorites are the Gilligan and O'Malley brand.
Anonymous said…
Hee hee- with you on this one my dear. I am a "shrinker" too.

I bought several smooth slightly padded Olga bras at Kohls a two years ago, and they're still going strong. I think the key is: no dryer.

Have fun, sis. You deserve it!
Anonymous said…
Hia Lera, after nursing I went for a proper fitting and it worked out that I had been wearing the wrong back size even pre pregnancy! Gossard have been the best fit ever and have lasted for years. I've tried the cheaper own store ones like M+S and BHS but Gossard wins every time.
jessica said…
I'm right here with you - still wearing my nursing bras and I haven't nurse in ummm...almost a year. I was just telling Ryan yesterday that I need to buy some new ones so I've been happily reading all of the recommendations. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
great topic lera! sadly, i can relate in more than one way. sadly, i have no up and coming free time to remedy any of it. thankfully, i'm reading this post quite late and you have great advice that i'm going to take notes on...
Amanda Jean said…
I just spent a good half hour reading all these comments. I really need to go shopping, too, but it's such a chore. I shrunk after nursing my 3 babes. my husband told me I had a boy chest now. (and yes, I slapped him.)
Anonymous said…
I must put in a comment here!
Just think about finding my husband readind a blog with such a picture ... My eyes nearly popped out of my head! On what was he????
Then he said it was "the sky is pink..."
I wonder if other husbands read your blog!
I had a good laugh ... once I understood he was completely innocent!!!!

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