Eventful Friday

On Friday afternoon, I got a package in the mail. Happy mail day!

Beki had sent me one of her beautiful handmade bags for my birthday. It's big and roomy (gotta love that) and perfectly sewn. I love the fabric. Joe even loves the fabric. And there's a hint of rickrack peeking through. Such fine details.

And if that weren't enough, she also sent:

some fabric, a vintage pillowcase, some chocolate-covered cinnamon Altoids (love!) and some yo-yo's. Two of the yo-yo's are of the sweetest Christmasy fabric: poinsettias.

Thank you, Beki. I love it all!

On Friday afternoon, Carter had his cardiology followup. He has a bicuspid aortic valve and a moderately enlarged aorta. Currently he doesn't need any treatment for his condition, he is just monitored every few years. He used to have to take an antibiotic before dental work, but they've eliminated that.

We are very fortunate that his pediatric cardiologist is a Hopkins doctor who comes to our part of Maryland one Friday a month. We are getting exceptional care at a local office.

During the appointment, the doctor informed me that Carter's condition is usually genetic. He thinks the entire family should be tested at Hopkins, including me and Joe, but it's elective (meaning insurance doesn't have to pay). He said a colleague is doing a study and that we might be candidates. Mason has already been checked, but he needs to be checked again in February, as his body is growing and it is difficult to diagnose until around age five. I worry that I might have grown defective babies.


Anonymous said…
Oh, honey. That's not your fault! Plus aren't we all "defective" in our own special ways? ;)

It sounds like something that is pretty manageable too, so don't fret.
Anonymous said…
Aw, sweet friend. You couldn't grow defective babies if you tried. This is just a little blip. And something that can be monitored and taken care of.

Anonymous said…
Not defective!

We are so lucky to live in a time when so much of what troubles us can be detected and even given a genetic lineage. But I think that many of us feel burdened by that information and it can build up feelings of guilt and blame. It's just information, though. And neither you nor Joe had any say in what you might inherit!
jessica said…
How great is Beki!

Best wishes with your son!
Sarah and Jack said…

Your kids are perfect, funny heart valves and all. And mine is perfect too, devil horns and all. (Just joking there, about the horns anyway.)
Karyn said…
Oh my, what great mail Lera!

And on the medical front, I'm sure everything is just fine.
Alisa said…
You are not growing defective babies Lera! God knows the plans he has for this too.

And about your new bag - gorgeous. What a great surpise to receive.
beki said…
Defective babies? NEVER! Just a little bump in the road.

I'm so happy you like your gift ;-)
nikko said…
What a pretty bag!

Defective babies? None of us are perfect. ;o) It doesn't sound too terrible to me. How wonderful that you have such a great doctor!
Anonymous said…
I see that pillowcase being made into a pillowcase dress!

I know the whole thinking you've passed on some bad genes to your kids is hard, but its nonsense. Our Heavenly Father sent those little babies to YOU! As parents we always (or we should) think of what a blessing our children are in our lives. We forget to think of how blessed our children are to have US for parents! Even if they don't always think so!
Anonymous said…
I love that purse. I'm so jealous right now.

All three of my kids have heart murmurs. I've been there for those visits. Good luck. I hope all goes great from now on.
Chara Michele said…
Definitely not defective!

Those goodies are very lovely! Beki is so sweet:)
Mika said…
They're not defective, they're special! And they were given to you because you have the heart and soul to care for them, and love them, and give them the best mom they could ever have (and dad too!).
Anonymous said…
You have a beautiful family. I too was born with a bicuspid valve. At age 42, I finally had to have it and an aortic anneurysm replaced/repaired. Because it is hereditary, you should have yourselves tested. Careful monitoring makes a world of difference. Not being diagnosed and having a bad outcome would be a tradgedy I wouldn't wish on anyone. Knowledge is power. Great informational website: www.bicuspidaorticfoundation.com. Can't say enough about it. Best Wishes to you all and to Carter.-JMS
Anonymous said…
It's not your fault. I am sixteen and I was also diagnosed with a bisupid aortic valve when I was eleven. None of my parents have it, neither does my brother. I like your son have just have had follow ups and they say that I have almost 50% stenosis. They say I may or may not need sugery in the future. Hope all is well, I totally sympathize. Good Luck!- Amber, Wisconsin

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