Spooky Noises

I saw Joe briefly this weekend. He came home Friday and left again Sunday morning. In between soccer games, I think we got to say "hi" to each other in passing.

Last week, while he was away, I stayed up late one night and sewed this little outfit for Sawyer. I would have kept sewing except I kept hearing noises. Spooky noises.

Our house is 130+ years old. I wouldn't say it's haunted, but I wouldn't say it's not either. I hear strange noises and strange, unexplained things have happened in this house. (Should I dare mention that Joe's great-uncle, Claud, died in our house? In my bedroom. Christmas Day. Before we owned it.)

Anyway, while sewing late one night last week, I heard a noise that sounded like one of the bedroom doors opening. I paused. And listened. I didn't hear anyone. So I went upstairs to investigate. Everyone was still sleeping. I blamed it on my "squeaking" chair and kept sewing.

Shortly thereafter, I heard a car door outside. I'm always terrified that someone will see our dining room light on (while I'm sewing late at night) and come to the front door. I snuck over to our formal living room and peeked through the wooden shutters. I did not see anyone, and believe me, I scanned the street.

Feeling a little spooked, I decided I would go to bed as soon as I was finished this outfit and not sew anymore that night.

So, last night, I decided to sew again. It was late. The kids were asleep. I tried to make myself believe that last week was a fluke. So, I'm happily sewing along last night (trying to make Spenser's Halloween costume) and I hear a car door shut outside. Again. I snuck over to the formal living room and saw no signs of life. Again. No one.

I think I'm about done with sewing at night. It's not good for my nerves.


Anonymous said…
why does that always seem to happen when the hubby's away? i totally know about that.
Katie Jean said…
aaah that happens to me alll the time. I never sew when John's not here at night. I just seem to always here those noises whem I'm downstairs!!
Anonymous said…
my house is old too, but not quite as old as yours. probably only 110 years old or so. I've never seen or heard anything in the house (well anything unusual for my household anyways) but my 16-year old son who is the only one who sleeps upstairs swears he hears things all the time. Hmmmmm, I think I'll just keep my downstairs bedroom, thank you very much.
Anonymous said…
Well, maybe if they're relatives, the ghosts are friendly. :)
Anonymous said…
We once lived in a house that was a little strange. I wouldn't go into the basement for ANYTHING. Even a tornado! Because there was a lock on the door, but the lock would only lock from the outside, meaning you could only lock somebody IN, not out. Then there was the extra set of basement stairs leading to nowhere (the house had been added on to, so the stairs were left behind underneath).

One night hubby and I were lying in bed, and we heard a noise like a BODY rolling down the roof and landing somewhere behind our headboard! Not outside, but inside somehow. He went outside to check, nothing.

Not to mention the 1930s music I sometimes heard from the basement.

And I don't believe in haunted houses!
nikko said…
OOh! Spooky! I always get freaked out when DH isn't home. I always stay up really late so that as soon as I go to bed I fall asleep, rather than laying in bed and hearing things. :o)
Wendy said…
Oh, I totally know how you feel. Once when Jeff was out of town (do the ghosts choose that time to bug us or are we just more skittish?) my daughter told me that she saw a man laughing next to the front door. And I was holding her, looking at exactly the spot she was. I'm pretty sure that that apartment really was haunted.

In our new house, the only time I get freaked out is when I do it to myself. Like looking up pictures of Stephen King's characters to carve on pumpkins. Believe me, that clown from It is not something you want to be seeing at 3 in the morning.
Anonymous said…
A few years ago I lived in a 100 year old house that was on 3 heavily wooded acres behind a cemetary. One night I was in the bathroom, which had a door to the back yard. And I kept hearing a dog collar jangling right outside the bathroom door. Like RIGHT THERE. And the dog was inside the house. So I was freaked out trying to figure out what kind of crazed dog (think Cujo) had gotten inside my fenced yard. And the door had a window that had no curtain, so I was hiding in the bathroom so "Cujo" didn't see me. After about 10 minutes of this I remembered I'd bathed my dog that afternoon and hung his collar on the bath porch to dry, and it was windy that night. DUH!!!!!! Old houses are spooky though!!!!
Anonymous said…
Man, all I ever hear when sewing late at night is the neighbor kid coming home and his stereo doing that *dhum* dhum* dhum* dhumdhumdhum* thumping.

I think we had a ghost in the first house we lived in - it was a little creepy.
Anonymous said…
Yuck, yuck. There's something about being the only adult in the house that makes me more anxious and hear things, too.

I always stay up reading in bed until I collapse from exhaustion. But it's not such a good idea if you have to get up early the next morning. I hope Joe gets to be home for longer times soon!
Lora said…
OOO I hate those unexplained noises!!! Scares the bejeezes outta me.
Anonymous said…
Sarah and Jack said…
LOL anon made me laugh this time.

You need to turn on the tv or the radio or something so you don't freak yourself out.
LaurenSmash said…
I am the same way. I think it is just that I am afraid of the dark...
FinnyKnits said…
I get like that, too. My mind runs amok when it's dark, Bubba's away and I'm awake when I should be asleep.

Unfortunately, the only that that's cured it is getting a dog. She stands guard and lets us know if anything is amiss.

Not sure you're up for a dog, but I do get a lot more sleep as a result.
laura capello said…
dude. ghosts.

we have a cat ghost. and outside a kid ghost that lives a couple of doors down. freaks my shit out.
Karyn said…
I think the ghost is editing your comments too!! My dear sweet Mother (who stalks your blog) just phoned me to ask where my daily comment was!

The ghost must have erased it!

I love a good spooky story when it didn't happen to me by the way :)
Anonymous said…
I spook myself out like that all the time. Especially when the husband isn't there with me. AAHHH!! And having someone die, IN YOUR BEDROOM(!!!) would completely have me freaked out. You are so brave!!!
jessica said…
I sew late at night too - but our place is brand new, so I try not to freak myself out! I agree with Sarah though - turn on the TV or radio.
Anonymous said…
i hate it when that stuff happens. absolutely hate it. we have a dog, though. which is so terribly comforting on those kind of nights.
Anonymous said…
geez. i forgot to comment on how cute that outfit is. love the cords.
Amanda Jean said…
that would freak me out too!
Anonymous said…
Glad to know I'm not the only one who fears that someone will see a light on late at night and come to the door. That's actually happened to me! I couldn't sleep and got up about 4:00 a.m. to watch TV. Someone knocked on the front door very softly and I broke out in a cold sweat. I was home alone, in a room with no phone. I turned off the TV and walked toward the door, asking, "who is it?" A woman's voice I didn't recognize asked to use the phone. I said "I'll be glad to call 911 for you." I heard someone walking across the porch and down the steps, but I never heard a car leave. I was too terrified to look outside. I suppose I should really have called 911, but I kept thinking whoever it was would be long gone by the time they responded, and anyway it wasn't a crime to knock on a door and ask to use a phone. Still creepy, though.

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