Blueberry Butter(s)

Last week I picked up my annual order of blueberries. Thirty wonderful pounds of blueberry goodness.

I can stand at the kitchen sink and eat handfuls of blueberries right from the colander. For many minutes. My fingernails (and underneath) are stained blue.

I had planned on making more blueberry jam, but I still have some from last summer. Then a thought occurred to me: Blueberry butter.

I wasn't sure if such a recipe existed. I had bought some cherry butter for Joe for Christmas last year (as he loves cherries). I've also made peach butter, pumpkin butter, and pumpkin-apple butter in the past. I just had the hope that there was a blueberry butter recipe out there somewhere awaiting my discovery.

Lucky for me, I not only found one recipe, but I found two.

The first one (above) was not the kind of blueberry butter I had intended to make, but it did sound yummy. And yummy it is. It's made from softened butter, confectioners sugar and blueberries. It's awesome on bagels.

And the best one of all is this real blueberry butter. Oh. My. Goodness. This is the absolute best. I'm drooling just thinking about it.

I doubled the batch, used 6 cups of apple juice to sweeten it (instead of sugar). When I tasted it, it tasted a little tart, so I added a total of 3 cups of sugar, as opposed to the 7 cups the recipe called for in one batch. And since I doubled it, it took twice as long to cook down. It took almost 24 hours.

However, good things come to those who wait. And it was so good that I immediately started a second double batch. Yeah. It's that good.


Anonymous said…
I am so going to do this. The fruit market is on my errand list today, and blueberries are on the fruit market list. (I may have too many lists.) I'm imagining the butter on a blueberry scone. Mmm...
Karyn said…
I'm salivating. Couldn't eat it, but I'm salivating.
Pamela said…
I second all your sentiments about blueberries!!! Oh, I love them. I have a wonderful banana blueberry muffin recipe, but that is another story. This is just the thing my husband would love. What a great idea ~ thanks for the recipes.
FinnyKnits said…
I haven't gotten down with the whole fruit butter thing yet, but maybe one day.

Until then, I'll imagine what all you can do with 30 lbs of blueberries. Holy.
nikko said…
Oh, yum! Too bad I don't have a good source for blueberries!
jessica said…
looks absolutely delicious! I love blueberries!
Mandy said…
I didn't even know butter existed in flavors beyond salted and unsalted! Shows how much I have yet to learn... this sounds awesome! I get all antsy and excited about the prospect of making something new!
Amanda Jean said…
my mouth is watering! that first blueberry butter would be amazing on bagels. yummo!!!
Holly said…
I am making it right now, smells delicious! Thanks for the link!!!

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