Red, White & Blue Skirts

These skirts were supposed to be made for Memorial Day, but I didn't remember until it was too late Sunday night. And so I decided I'd make them for the 4th of July. However, in Lera fashion, I forgot again until the evening before. Luckily they didn't take very long.

[Last week I attended a conference with the Maryland Municipal League for town council. While it was very informative, I realized just how much I need to learn. The convention was down at the beach and, from what I've heard, Joe and the kids had a great time. The closest I got to the beach was 1) when I went for a run one morning and thought the boardwalk started on 28th street. It didn't. It started on 27th street, so instead of running around the block, I ran on the sand for that block. And 2) from some little person who got sand in my bed. *This week Taylor is at boy scout camp, so we're down a man.* **Yesterday I went for a run and started to show signs of heat exhaustion as soon as I came home. My stomach instantly cramped up terribly, so I drank a bunch of water and some milk. I'm just happy it didn't happen while I was out running.**]


Anonymous said…
what time did you run???
Brenda said…
Very cute skirts. Good luck with the running.
Amanda Jean said…
maybe you should take the summer off from running? i know i would. :)

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