Coveted Patterns

Some times I get a little obsessed. I see a fabric print I like, and I have to have it. And then I'm afraid to use it. (I'm sure you understand.)

A few years ago I found such a vintage sheet and was terrified to cut into it. Once I did, two years later, I almost regretted it. (I have since learned to love the tunic, but I don't wear it as much as I should.)

Anyway, I've been thrifting a lot lately. Some times I find stuff. Some times I do not. This past Monday I was rummaging through some rolled up sheets and found the coveted pattern. I nearly leapt of my skin. It's a flat sheet and much brighter and crisper than my previous one. I almost cried. Almost.

And on the same very trip, I spied this coveted pattern. Steubenville Fairlane, oh how I love thee.

This pattern was one I remember from Mom-Mom's house when I was a child. Every Saturday and Sunday evening we would all go to Mom-Mom's for dinner. Her four daughters and sons-in-law and all of her grandchildren. Every Saturday and Sunday night. For years. Until she got Shingles and then only did it on Sundays for many years until the family grew too large and she was getting older.

These are the dishes I remember. These are the dishes I have always loved.

After she died, we went through her things. I opened a box and the first thing I spied was this pattern. I screamed in delight and dropped a vintage drinking glass, shattering it everywhere (and then I screamed again, but in alarm). Unfortunately the box only had two salad bowls. But at least I had a pattern name for it.

On Monday I found four "berry" bowls and four bread plates in my pattern. For a mere 15 cents each. (Score!) And my renewed interest in Steubenville Fairlane had begun. I googled the pattern and found some locally in an online classified ad. I am now the proud owner of several dinner plates, salad bowls, bread plates, berry bowls, platters, salt and pepper shakers, creamer/sugar, gravy boat, and butter dish. I still have more pieces I need to find. Some had cracks or chips (so I'll have to replace them), but I'm happy to have my base now.

So, what are your coveted patterns? And leave links, if you can.


Bonus Mom said…
I have sheets I don't want to cut up too! I also have 0ne yard of Heather Ross' Garden Gnome fabric, I want to make a quilt with it, but I don't want to chop it up too much! Oh and as for patterns on dishes... we use a Taylor Smith & Taylor pattern called Boutonniere. I love them!
Kris said…
I love how your favourite china pattern is one from your Grandmother's house. We are so influenced by grandparents and family in general. This is a lovley post.
Diane said…
My coveted pattern is Coaching Scenes by Johnson Brothers When I was very young these were given away where my parents banked when you made a deposit into your savings account. Mom managed to collect 8 place settings plus a few accessorie pieces and even though they were free, these became her "good dishes". They were only used on Thanksgiving, Christmas or when the pastor came to dinner. Such memories! Mom still has them in her china cabinet although she doesn't use them anymore. She owns much nicer china now, but I still prefer the Johnson Brothers dishes. Even though she has promised her set to me someday I still can't help buy a piece if I see one at a yard sale or thrift store. Guess I'm just impatient!
V and Co. said…
i completely understand about not wanting to cut into fabric! i actually used mine though (it was a vintage sheet and i have a little snipit of it everywhere. i made a skirt out of it and then i cut it into squares for a quilt and then i also put it in hoops for decor. you can see the quilt and the hoops here:
Martha said…
I was so excited when I saw the photo in this post. About a year ago I bought a sheet with the same pattern at my local thrift store. I love it dearly. I've made two dresses out of it for myself and used the remnants to make countless other small things - and I still have some left (must have been a king size sheet LOL). I even bought green shoes to wear with my dresses. By the way, I used the same pattern that you use all the time for your dresses and it looks great with this print. If it's a big sheet don't be reluctant to cut it. I've gotten so much enjoyment out of mine and made many things with it.
Jane said…
My grandmother's dishes were Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz

When she died, I was told I was going to get her good china. It wasn't the Rose Chintz that I remembered but some other "good" dishes she never used. Bummer! I like the good ones and use them as my good china, but the Rose Chintz is where the memories are.
Amanda Jean said…
hurray for good thrifting! you scored big time with pieces for fifteen cents each! i love that sheet print, too. beautiful!
Kat said…
I had this pattern as curtains in my playroom as a child. I still own one but the other is lost. I'm always on the hunt for it.
Cindy Is Crafty said…
Lera, I love, love, love the china pattern. So sweet and vintage.
Diane said…
How wonderful that you've found so much of your beloved pattern of dishes! And congrats on another great thrifty score. Since I only buy what I really love, it is difficult for me to cut up any of my sheets and pillowcases. However, they are piling up and my girl could always use a few more summer dresses. Their days, in tact, are numbered :)
I'm like that with my favorite fabrics too- scared to use them because I covet them so much! So they sit, unused and really rather unloved. I just stare at them. Which I know is dumb- I mean, it's fabric and meant to be made into something.
Karyn said…
Great sheet and awesome dishes Lera! I've yet to use the shabby chic sheets we bought together. I should get that out and do something with it!
hawkeyejlp said…
I heart vintage sheets...I just posted about my favorite pattern and great score here:
FinnyKnits said…
I don't have a favorite pattern, but reading this post makes me wish I did. What lovely memories - and for a scant $.15! I imagine there will be a lot of meals extra special enjoyed off those plates.
Chara Michele said…
Oh I totally understand! :) I have several fabrics in my cupboard that I just can't bear to cut up. As for dishes, I collect blue & white ones in all different patterns. So our dishes are all different but similar at the same time :) (Which I love, because each has a story behind it - whether it was thrifted or a gift from someone or found on a holiday away somewhere.)
Jen said…
HA! I had the SAME reaction when I saw opened the box of Steubenville Fairlane dishes at my Grandfather's during a recent trip. They belonged to my great-grandmother. I now have an entire set of dishes & have decided to use them as my everyday dishes. I figured better a broken dish here or there than to keep them tucked away in a box, not making any memories! Anyway, was just looking for information on the pattern when I stumbled upon your blog! Just saw listings on ebay if ur thinking of expanding ur collection.

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