24 Hours - What a Difference



The kids came home from school two hours early yesterday and went in two hours late this morning. The sun is up. The sky is blue. It's beautiful. Such a difference from yesterday.

Mason, who went back to school on Thursday and was fine, was sent home today after only being in school for a half hour because he was coughing and they were afraid he was going to throw up. He's coughed a little since he's been home, but he is fine. He has not thrown up. Maybe I'm desensitized to the whole situation. I don't know. (And he never did have pinkeye either.)


Anonymous said…
If you hadn't posted by the time I left work I was going to e-mail and check on you! Enjoy the snow with your family - and I swear, I only have TWO kids WITH ASTHMA and I don't hear them cough most of the time. Maybe something at school is making him cough.

Happy Weekend! L
nikko said…
Sorry. Hope Mason feels better today.

I guess if school was delayed that explains why you weren't posting at your "normal" time. (I only know because it's the same time that I'm usually posting and reading blogs and I usually see a new post from you pop up while I'm online.)

Your snow photos are making me miss it up north!
Karyn said…
THANK YOU for finally posting! :)

Holy cow, what a difference 24 hours DOES make!
Katie Jean said…
yes, that is what it looks like our here today too. What the heck!?!?
hooli said…
gosh, sounds like RSV.
Amanda Jean said…
your snow photos are sooooooooo pretty!
atet said…
Ok, snow can be pretty. Wish we had gotten some of the "pretty" stuff recently. As for the school, I have the feeling they are just being cautious -- but, ya know, I think you do get used to it a bit. I mean, the first time my little one got sick I was a wreck -- really, I've gotten better!
Jana Nielson said…
I have 6 little ones too! What were we thinking! It can be a handful for sure. I love your shirt, and I'm going to make some for me too. Thanks for the suggestions on pattern correction!
Chara Michele said…
I hope Mason feels completely better!

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