Handmade Christmas

Eight zippered pouches for the teachers. With chocolate candy and handmade chocolate mint soap. I used some fairytale fabric from Superbuzzy and lined them in navy and white gingham.

Four more fairytale zippered pouches for friends and sixteen My Folklore (by Lecien) zippered pouches for friends and family. Each with a bar of soap.

Some were lined in unbleached muslin and some in light blue and white gingham.

And six light blue, linen zippered pouches with an embroidered snowflake for my sisters, sister-in-law, mother, and a good friend. Of course, each with a bar of soap.

They are lined in light blue and white gingham.

I really like sewing one project for all of my gifts. Last year I made 38 tissue pouches and I gave every single one away. For some reason this year, I have a few zippered pouches left over. I think it's because I didn't see most of Joe's family at Christmas and I'm not sure when I will.

* * * * * * **

And I wanted to wish everyone a belated "Happy New Year." I've been struck down with a terrible cold since Friday afternoon and have had no energy. I'm feeling a ton better than before. (Especially since I lost all of my holiday weight in one day!)


Lora said…
Happy New Year Lera!! I love the zipper pouches...This year I will buy some super cute fabric from Super Buzzy!!!!! THAT will be my new years resolution LOL!
Sarah and Jack said…
Happy New Year!

Hope the sickies go away soon though. Yech.
Anonymous said…
happy new year! those are awesome pouches - i still haven't made the teacher gifts - and i think i'm just doing tissue holders again! (and good for you for using your 'good stuff' for gifts! ;)
randi said…
Cute pouches! Happy New Year and I hope you are feeling better soon!
Karyn said…
Your pouches look amazing, all of them Lera!

Happy New Year!
Lisa Clarke said…
Those are great! And you obviously aren't intimidated by zippers, as I am!
Cindy Is Crafty said…
What a lovely idea. Especially with the soap and/or candies inside. I love the embroidered snowflakes, too. Too cute!
beki said…
Whoa, that's a lot of zippered pouches! They all look so lovely ;-)
Happy New Year, Lera!!
Anonymous said…
great zippered pouches! i love the idea of giving everyone the same thing. i think that may be next year's plan. if i commit early enough i might even be able to finish them before the holiday rush! bwa ha ha!
Katie Jean said…
I can't believe you made all those zippered pouches! Putting in that many zippers would have killed me!

Happy new Year! I hope you feel better soon!
Heidijayhawk said…
duh. i'm totally doing that next year. one thing with variations. brilliant.
Anonymous said…
That is a lot of zippers! Fantastic. I wimped out on teacher gifts this year and gave some napkin/napkin ring sets that I bought at Pier One after Christmas several years ago and forgot about. I've resolved to give nice handmade teacher gifts (but what?) at the end of the year.
Happy New Year!
Amanda Jean said…
your zipper pouches are beautiful! I like how you go with one gift for all. it's easier to keep track of things that way, no?

hope you are feeling better and that your kids are pampering you as much as possible!

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