Odd Injuries

First it was the elbow (bursitis) caused by Lego building with Carter. Then it was the bruised palm (from painting my bedroom). Now it's the bruised side on my left index finger (from cleaning a roasting pan). What's next?

Have you had any odd injuries?


slow panic said…
I have this wierd pain every once in a while in my left index finger -- I blame knitting.
Anonymous said…
dude, what's up with your freaky hand?
Karyn said…
Hmmmm....odd injuries?? How about falling while leaving the hairdresser's and shattering your elbow and breaking your arm in 4 place.
christy said…
do you take vitamins? maybe you need some extra vit e or something. seems like you're bruising easily. i don't have any odd injuries lately but i am sick with strep throat or something. no fun.
hooli said…
got a paper cut on the septum of my nose once... long story but involved scratch and sniff story reading to my kids.
Anonymous said…
My last strange injury was caused by reaching across the hot iron - lovely little burn in the inside of my left arm. Way to go. Hope your bruise is better.
Lauren said…
Does hurting my shoulder a bit from too much Nintendo Wii? It was nothing serious but I had to take a little break from bowling and boxing.
Unknown said…
I stubbed my toe about a month ago (3rd toe in), but I didn't really notice it. All of a sudden a few weeks later, it was all infected looking, but because it isn't one of the toes that really bears a lot of weight, I didn't feel it. Then I noticed that it would get better, but then would flare up again. I figured out that it was the way I was holding that foot while I was on the computer. Random? Yes.
Anonymous said…

I don't have freaky injuries, so much as careless ones. Um, sewed through my finger. Gashed another one with the electric hedge trimmers. OH, my knees hurt at night because I sit with one leg propped under the other and then I have to walk funny to stretch it out. Hmm. We're not...getting old.. are we?
laura capello said…

(hehe. like you have to ask me that.)
Tonya said…
Yeah, I sewed through my finger Christmas Eve trying to finish pajamas. And if I am not careful how I hold my dressmaker shears,I will get a numb spot on the outside of my thumb where the handles rub. It is really annoying because once it happens it stays numb for months.
utmommy said…

Sorry about all the odd injuries.
Anonymous said…
I have just been out shoping and "zipped" my lip, closing my rain coat...it has been painfull and bleeding...
next time I will be very very carefull!!!
Ouch! No freaky injuries that I can think of right now, but I ironed my foot once. Long story...
FinnyKnits said…
You definitely come up with some strange maladies, doll. Although with all those kidlets underfoot and all the projects you undertake, you're bound to run into a *few* obstacles, I suppose.

One of my weirder injuries was managing to bruise the arch of my foot (visibly bruise it- yeowch)by walking like a moron in my new leather mules in college. They managed to slip forward on my foot and I came down full force with the arch of my foot on the back of the shoe.

OMG - it was bad news.

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