I'm a Rule Breaker
What's the cardinal rule? Moms don't get sick. Especially when Dad's away. Right?

Shortly after yesterday's post, I discovered I had a wicked case of mastitis. I have never gotten mastitis with a baby this age. It's the second time I've had it since Sawyer was born.
I had the full package deal again. Body aches, chills, fever, extreme fatigue, and a very sore mastitisy-area (which went up into my armpit as well). My toes even ached. I ached in places I didn't know could ache. Luckily I was able to take ibuprofen and get an antibiotic. I feel slightly better this morning, but I'm far away from being well. (Although losing 4 pounds in one day can make a gal feel better.) Spenser kept monitoring my condition. She would come over and touch me (as I laid on the couch) and screech, "Oh, Mommy! You're hot!" Nothing like being reminded.
So what's up with the picture of my hand? I bruised my palm. I'm not only sick, I'm injured as well. I'm right-handed and, as "luck" would have it, I bruised my right palm. It has made even simple tasks difficult. Like opening a jar of baby food.
All of it almost makes me laugh. Almost. Like, if I had more strength, I would be laughing. So don't feel sorry for me. Laugh for me.

Shortly after yesterday's post, I discovered I had a wicked case of mastitis. I have never gotten mastitis with a baby this age. It's the second time I've had it since Sawyer was born.
I had the full package deal again. Body aches, chills, fever, extreme fatigue, and a very sore mastitisy-area (which went up into my armpit as well). My toes even ached. I ached in places I didn't know could ache. Luckily I was able to take ibuprofen and get an antibiotic. I feel slightly better this morning, but I'm far away from being well. (Although losing 4 pounds in one day can make a gal feel better.) Spenser kept monitoring my condition. She would come over and touch me (as I laid on the couch) and screech, "Oh, Mommy! You're hot!" Nothing like being reminded.
So what's up with the picture of my hand? I bruised my palm. I'm not only sick, I'm injured as well. I'm right-handed and, as "luck" would have it, I bruised my right palm. It has made even simple tasks difficult. Like opening a jar of baby food.
All of it almost makes me laugh. Almost. Like, if I had more strength, I would be laughing. So don't feel sorry for me. Laugh for me.
We still attended Mason's preschool "gradulation" (as he calls it). Mason did not participate at all. Apparently looking down the legs of your shorts, killing ants, and quarters in one's underwear are more entertaining. (The boy on the left was sticking mulch up his shorts. Hmm. Mulch or quarters?)
But, he graduated. And he's happy. And so am I.
*Oh, and all of you are smarter than a second grader. The answer to yesterday's homework riddle is "newspaper." Thanks for making me feel stupid. ;-)
Hope you're learning to use your left hand ;)
Hang in there. Try to have a good weekend- feel better, K?
i'll laugh, because by now you are probably feeling much better - and because it is kinda funny.
That picture of Mason will be Jack in a few short years. He has the attention span of a gnat. And he already knows the word "focus!" LOL
Your shorts story made me chuckle, how funny!