I'm a Rule Breaker

What's the cardinal rule? Moms don't get sick. Especially when Dad's away. Right?

Shortly after yesterday's post, I discovered I had a wicked case of mastitis. I have never gotten mastitis with a baby this age. It's the second time I've had it since Sawyer was born.

I had the full package deal again. Body aches, chills, fever, extreme fatigue, and a very sore mastitisy-area (which went up into my armpit as well). My toes even ached. I ached in places I didn't know could ache. Luckily I was able to take ibuprofen and get an antibiotic. I feel slightly better this morning, but I'm far away from being well. (Although losing 4 pounds in one day can make a gal feel better.) Spenser kept monitoring my condition. She would come over and touch me (as I laid on the couch) and screech, "Oh, Mommy! You're hot!" Nothing like being reminded.

So what's up with the picture of my hand? I bruised my palm. I'm not only sick, I'm injured as well. I'm right-handed and, as "luck" would have it, I bruised my right palm. It has made even simple tasks difficult. Like opening a jar of baby food.

All of it almost makes me laugh. Almost. Like, if I had more strength, I would be laughing. So don't feel sorry for me. Laugh for me.

We still attended Mason's preschool "gradulation" (as he calls it). Mason did not participate at all. Apparently looking down the legs of your shorts, killing ants, and quarters in one's underwear are more entertaining. (The boy on the left was sticking mulch up his shorts. Hmm. Mulch or quarters?)
But, he graduated. And he's happy. And so am I.

*Oh, and all of you are smarter than a second grader. The answer to yesterday's homework riddle is "newspaper." Thanks for making me feel stupid. ;-)


Karyn said…
I'm glad you're feeling better today, hopefully by tomorrow you'll be 100%!!! How on earth did you bruise your palm??????? Maybe we don't want to know.
Katie Jean said…
Geez! I hope you get better quickly. Nothing worse than a sick mama (other than a sick baby, but my vote is for the mama!)

Hope you're learning to use your left hand ;)
Anonymous said…
Oh, I do feel bad for you. You face it all so well though- I'd be a big puddle of blubbering baby by now.

Hang in there. Try to have a good weekend- feel better, K?
Anonymous said…
Oh, honey! Hugs! And I am so giggling at that gradulation photo. Hurry Home, Joe!
Anonymous said…
oh no! long distance hugs coming your way! :)
Anonymous said…
Wow, Lera. There's nothing like having to take care of kids when you are really sick. I hope the antibiotics are working their magic and that you feel lots better soon. I predict after you feel better you'll do way too much (that's how I am after a migraine). :o)
Anonymous said…
hmnnn...i vote for the quarters. mulch can be so itchy.

i'll laugh, because by now you are probably feeling much better - and because it is kinda funny.
Sarah and Jack said…
I hope you are feeling better quickly.

That picture of Mason will be Jack in a few short years. He has the attention span of a gnat. And he already knows the word "focus!" LOL
beki said…
Poor you! I've never had mastitis, but I've heard that it's miserable.

Your shorts story made me chuckle, how funny!
Anonymous said…
How aweful! I'm thinking of you and sending positive thoughts. Lots of vitamin C and water. Try to get a good night's sleep. :)
FinnyKnits said…
I don't even know what that is, but it sounds terrible. And even worse when home alone (-ish). Maybe putting some quarters up your skirt will make you feel better. See how much fun they're having?
Anonymous said…
If I lived anywhere remotely close to you I would totally come and help you out. I've never had mastitis but i so feel your pain. Hope you are feeling better. (And I think it's some unwritten rule that boys don't like preschool graduation :) hee hee)
Anonymous said…
Being sick and having babies to take care of is not FUN! I hope you are feeling better soon.
Amanda Jean said…
Lera, I hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine! And I hope that the bruise on your hand heals up quickly.
nikko said…
Lera, I found your blog via the Free Fabric winners and have enjoyed looking at your cute kids and your cute projects! You are so talented. :o)

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