Baby Outfit and Graduation

The other night when I was sewing the pillows, I sewed an outfit for baby. I made a pair of shorts from that faux-vintage fabric that I love and appliqued a onesie. The onesie was one I found in the drawer that didn't have a tag. I'm hoping it fits him. He's a chunky 19.2 pounds (as of Monday). It's almost patriotic looking. He's going to wear it today when we go to:

Mason's preschool graduation. How cute is he?!? I could eat him up.

Time to think: Are you smarter than a second grader? Apparently I am not. I have the answer now, thanks to Laura and Aaron.

This is from Carter's homework last night.

Find a compound word using this clue:

Something exciting to tell + something you write on


Karyn said…
How cute is Mason?????????? Have fun at the graduation :)
Anonymous said…
Sweet outfit and Mason is so cute! :) Happy Graduation.
Was it newspaper?
beki said…
Aww, how sweet! I could eat him up, too :)
Anonymous said…
so cute!

i'm guessing newspaper too.
Sarah and Jack said…
Oy, I dont think I like that game either. LOL
laura capello said…
why? why? why?! why did griffin not get a preschool graduation? woe is me, that photo is so freaking adorable!
Anonymous said…
uh, newspaper?
Anonymous said…
p.s. YES he is toooo cute!
Anonymous said…
Ack! Such cuteness! Spread the news in the paper, you have such an adorable family!
Amanda Jean said…
that is one adorable little graduate!

I went to my son's kindergarten graduation today and I was quite the weepy momma. It is the most precious thing.

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