Old and New

On Saturday night I had to iron the boys' white church shirts. Because I was bored, I decided to make some more bias tape while the iron was hot and ready. It amazes me how much fun I can have making it. The only problem? I'm getting too old. My neck started to hurt from looking down. Why must all good things come to an end?

Somehow my micro-beads went on the lam and decided to run amuck over my dining room. They are so dang staticky that they are making cleanup a real headache.
Yesterday I got to hold a nine-hour-old baby. So. Very. Tiny. So much tinier than my nine-month-old chunky baby. It just seems like yesterday. Well, more like nine months ago today ...


Karyn said…
Now what are you going to do with the bias tape!! I can't wait to see! I'd be afraid to hold a 9 hour old baby. I'd drop it.
Katie Jean said…
Oh, I love all that bias tape. You can make one of those bags from Martha, I think the templates on her website.

I can't even remember holding a 9 hour baby. I think I was too delirious with Isaiah.
Anonymous said…
any tips on the bias tape? you make double-fold, right?

it just seems wrong that you LIKE doing it, though.

just wrong...
Anonymous said…
I have enjoying making bias tape too! Martha Stewart's magazine had great directions and the tape has shown up on skirts and bags so far. The extra color adds so much to a project!
Sarah and Jack said…
Because I am a little crazy like this, I would make a game of having the kids pick up those tiny beads for me. (The bigger kids anyway, maybe Spenser still puts things in her mouth!) Jack would actually think it was fun. LOL (He will spend hours with the dustpan if you let him.)
Amanda Jean said…
love your bias tape. it's so pretty.

(I hear ya' on the feeling old thing....yikes)
nikko said…
Your bias tape is so pretty. You must have a trick to be able to crank out so much of it so quickly. Maybe I need one of those little funky tools.
laura capello said…
you made bias tape because you could. just because. gah. overachiever.
Sonja said…
I just fainted. Looking at a fresh, soft head like that was too much for me. That's why babies are supposed to wear hats, you know? ;)
Heidijayhawk said…
buying a bias tape maker today. telling my husband you made me. not my fault!!!
Anonymous said…
very pretty bias tape. i can't wait to see what you do with it!
Berber said…
I love your bias tape! How do you make it?!
Anonymous said…
thanks for the peek to a happy looking home...
Anonymous said…
What a tiny little sweetheart!

I really must try bias tape some time :)

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