
I'm out of sorts. This summer thing is for the birds. I have no time to craft. I have no time clean (something I need to do). Instead, I'm on pool-watching duty. The children have been swimming every afternoon for the past few days, which leaves me glued to the rocking chair, watching the boys in the pool and listening for the napping baby. In between, taking Spenser to the bathroom 999 times. No lie. No accidents though.

One thing I've been working on a little bit here and there (at poolside and karate) are these little embroidered trees. Mason's favorite tree is the weeping willow, which he affectionately calls "monster trees." As we drive down the road (any and all roads), we point to all the monster trees we can find. I think I know where each one is on our way into town.

I embroidered these trees so I can remember his sweet innocence. And about how he was afraid of these trees last summer and isn't this summer. And how Spenser is afraid of these trees now.

The tree on the left has little green leaves (hard to see) and I filled in the trunk. The one on the left is entirely brown with a hollow trunk. I'm not sure which I like better. (Care to share your opinion?)

I've thought about branching out and making different kinds of trees (branching out -- ha ha ha). And then maybe making them into pillows or totes or patches or something. I really have decided what I'm going to make with them. I think I'll have plenty of time this summer to make them.

And I wanted to show you this little miniature cherry pie. (Don't judge me by my crust -- I don't like to bake and I was running out of dough and I was hoping to hurry up and finish so I could clean the flour that was all over me and the kitchen. I made a big mess.) I made five on Saturday night. Our church gives them to the fathers on Fathers Day every year. I always make extras to give to my two neighbors who are widowers. It's become a little tradition. I know my neighbors enjoy them and they always say, "cherry pie is my favorite," which I remember from year to year, but act surprised and pleased when they tell me.


beki said…
Cute tree! I think I like the hollow one the best. A few years go I started practice embroidering, but never did much with it. I've been looking for a portable craft, so I may need to try it again. I have an old book full of stitches given to me by my grandmother. It's a great resource.
Karyn said…
You bake pies too?????????? Seriously Lera, is there anything that you don't do????????? No wonder I've heard that some people need to take a nap after reading your blog.
I vote for the hollow tree.
Anonymous said…
You're the sweetest person on Earth...
Sarah and Jack said…
I actually prefer the filled in tree, but it feels more like a palm tree filled in. So, I guess I would vote for hollow. How's that for confusing? LOL
laura capello said…
dude, i cannot believe you actually latticed your tops. criss cross, lera, criss cross. gives you some extra time for crafting.

OR you could just put a big crust on it with holes punched out.

and i like the three with the filled in trunk. but that's more work. but i like it.
Anonymous said…
Both trees are fantastic and I think you know my opinion on embroidery being the best craft while waiting for or watching children, as well on car trips.

And pies! Yum! I made cherry lemon cupcakes last night as a belated birthday cake for Tim. They were good. Notice I say were. They are gone this morning. :)
I really like both of those trees, but I think I like the filled in one more... gives it more character, but then I like the way the branch swings out at the top on the hollow one... so could you just make another one with the trunk filled in and a branch swinging out at the top..:) I was thinking, wouldn't it be great if you could make it into something that Mason could keep forever, and even be able to tell his children the story behind the trees... I don't know maybe a special pillow or hankerchief.
Anonymous said…
That's a wonderful tradition, Lera. I'm having trouble with time this summer, too, and we aren't even doing school. More swimming, no school, I thought it would even out, but I'm feeling more and more pulled. *sigh*
Anonymous said…
I adore your little trees :) And your pretty pie is making me hungry!
Berber said…
The pie is looking delicious :)
I like the tree on the right the best!
Anonymous said…
I loved reading about the mini pies...that's just too sweet. Cherry pie's my favorite, too. *wink wink* Heheh.

Both trees are nice, but I think I like the hollow one a smidge better.
Anonymous said…
filled in trunk. i think it needs a branch out of the top, though.

"don't judge me by my crust"!?!!!! what? that you made criss cross crusts on miniature pies????!!!??? i love to bake and don't do that. its beautiful, and looks yummmy.

how thoughtful of you to give to your neighbors.
Anonymous said…
Don't you just love summer? Making the cherry pies for your neighbors is so sweet and thoughtful!
Heidijayhawk said…
love the trees! like the hollow one the best! keep it simple andbeautiful! six kids. awesome seamstress. craft godess. don't judge mem by my pies?! i am just impressed that you even attempted it! more than i can do!
African Kelli said…
First, I love the trees. Both. They are so sweet and I can see why your kids call them "MOnster trees." They remind me of something from a Tim Burton movie!
Second, so sweet about the pies! I love baking for people, especially when I know they will enjoy it. You are a good neighbor.
Amanda Jean said…
how sweet of you to make pies for your neighbors every year. I bet they really appreciate it. How thoughtful of you.

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