My sister, Emily, found a jar of her husband's grandmother's buttons. She sifted through them and pulled out all the ones she thought I'd like. She was right! I
like love them all! There are some very cool ones in there. And I think grandmother's buttons are always the best. Even when it's not your own grandmother.

Yesterday my friend, Kim, stopped by with a gallon-sized ice cream bucket full of freshly picked strawberries. YUM! The smell is unbelievable.
(just kidding, dear)
Did I ever tell you I don't like fruit unless it's covered in chocolate???
I really want to go strawberry picking!! Maybe this weekend will be nice!
Do I see some stawberry shortcake coming on? Or stawberry pie? (My favorite summer pie.)
I found our first stawberry that hadn't already been eaten by the birds/bugs/whatever last night. I gave it to Aidin who promplty bragged to her brother that she got a stawberry. I should have just eaten it myself.
we are getting a lot of berries right now, too - much to my monkey's delight! :)
and buttons! buuuuuuuttttooooonnnnsss!!!!