
My sister, Emily, found a jar of her husband's grandmother's buttons. She sifted through them and pulled out all the ones she thought I'd like. She was right! I like love them all! There are some very cool ones in there. And I think grandmother's buttons are always the best. Even when it's not your own grandmother.

Yesterday my friend, Kim, stopped by with a gallon-sized ice cream bucket full of freshly picked strawberries. YUM! The smell is unbelievable.

And, lest I forget, I was a Free Fabric Friday winner! Lucky, lucky, me!

Gee. I could start getting used to Joe being gone ...

(just kidding, dear)


Karyn said…
Those buttons are fantastic as is the fabric that you photographed them on!!
Did I ever tell you I don't like fruit unless it's covered in chocolate???
Anonymous said…
how lucky you are to have these people give you beautiful vintage fabric and notions - yummy buttons for yummy fabric. And I LOVE strawberries.
Anonymous said…
Lovely buttons indeed!
Katie Jean said…
geez aren't you a lucky girl? Buttons, strawberry, and fabric? What more could you want??

I really want to go strawberry picking!! Maybe this weekend will be nice!
Anonymous said…
Do I see some stawberry shortcake coming on? Or stawberry pie? (My favorite summer pie.)
I found our first stawberry that hadn't already been eaten by the birds/bugs/whatever last night. I gave it to Aidin who promplty bragged to her brother that she got a stawberry. I should have just eaten it myself.
Anonymous said…
strawberries and buttons - which is yummier? :)

we are getting a lot of berries right now, too - much to my monkey's delight! :)
Sarah and Jack said…
Mmmmm, now all you need to do is make a strawberry cake. (Where did that recipe go? LOL)
laura capello said…
omg, the strawberries look perfect!

and buttons! buuuuuuuttttooooonnnnsss!!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh, buttons are the best, eh? That's quite a stash.
Amanda Jean said…
I think you are right...Grandmother's buttons are the best. I got my Grandmother's buttons last christmas time. They are a precious thing for me to have. Hope things are going well with Joe gone.
Heidijayhawk said…
did i tell you my dad and brother are in the reserves as well? what branch? we are all AF over here. fabric...when does life get better?
beki said…
Lots of goodness, indeed!

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