Virtue Bunting

At church I work in the Young Women's program. It's very intimidating to me. I've served in the children's program [for many, many years (before I had children) but children are more forgiving if you don't know what you're doing]. I've served in the women's program (I am a woman, I could relate). I have not been in the Young Women's program since I was a young woman. That's what's intimidating.

Last night I had to give a lesson on virtue, our theme for this year. This lesson had me totally freaking out. I don't know why I let these things stress me out like they do. It happens every time I have to teach or talk in front of people. Even though I did a ton of research prior to writing my lesson, I sat down and worked on my lesson on Monday night from 9:00 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. and then throughout the day on Tuesday. Oh, and did I mention it was a 5-10 minute lesson? Yes. Stress. That's what happens to me. And did I mention that I usually get so nervous that I speak a mile a minute and no one can understand me? I don't think that happened last night. I'm trying to get better at that. (Deep breaths. Deep breaths.)

Anyway, to go along with my lesson, I made a virtue bunting to hang up for display. At some point in the near future, it may be on our bulletin board at church. It wasn't the best sewing job, so I may not even admit that I made it. lol. However, I used what I had, so it's headed for flickr.

Thoughts for the day:

1- Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

2- ...let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly...


Karyn said…
Your banner is awesome and I'm sure your lesson was too. :) :)
nikko said…
Having a YW calling would intimidate me to no end. So glad I'm in Primary instead. :o)

Your lesson will be great!
laura capello said…
speaking in front of people makes me want to hurl.
Anonymous said…
yay! i really relate to the lesson planning - i have to be SO prepared or i freak out. and i used to talk a mile a minute, too, but i think that's gotten better.
very cute bunting - what a nice visual!
beki said…
I'm sure you did a fine job. I'd be totally stressing out too ;-)
utmommy said…
I LOVED being in YW!!

Your banner is darling and I'm sure they loved it and your lesson!
Anonymous said…
I love to visit your site...
why on earth do you get involved in things like that? You are a mother of 6...isn't it enough? As a mother of 5, ( 5 in 5 years) I think mothers must preserve herselves!
Anonymous said…
Please, read my comment whith concern! I am not critisising!
It is just that having been through bringing up five children I know how we can feel!!
My children are now 26, 24 and three are aged 21...
Anonymous said…
i'm sure you did fine. your banner is lovely, anyway - so even if you didn't you had them staring at a lovely rendition of the word virtue, anyway. either way, you got them! lol!
Jen said…
It is beautiful and you did a wonderful job! Just another check in the super woman box on you life application!
Anonymous said…
Well, it certainly seems like a young woman's group could appreciate the bunting. Very cute. I'm horrible and leading Bible studies and stuff like that. I'm also nervous and WAY over prepared - so much so that I say things wrong if that makes any sense.

I hope you get some positive feedback from the ladies. I'm sure they appreciated you!
Heidijayhawk said…
awesome bunting baby! i'm sure you are an awesome YW leader!!!
I just made my first baby bunting as part of a gift. I don't think I had ever even heard of it until I started reading blogs a few months ago. I love love the pinks and greens.

Hope the lessons get less stressful for you. I used to teach Sunday School and felt accomplished if I could get my kids (3 and 4 year olds) to sit for a 5 min craft. We had so much fun though. :)

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