We Did Something This Weekend

I thought this weekend was a bust until I just uploaded my photos from this weekend.

On Friday was Jackson's kindergarten play day. And, boy, was it hot!

Racing (in the green).
Giant ball rolling.
Tug of war. (His green team won both times.)
Swimming in pool and having water battles with sprinkler.
A trip to the carnival for a few games, cotton candy, candy/caramel apples, and chats with friends.

Playing in the creek for five minutes (during a birthday party) before a thunderstorm.

We had rain this weekend. A thunderstorm on Friday night. A little bit of rain on Saturday. Rain all day Sunday. We desperately needed the rain, so we welcomed it. Plus, it gave us a reason to stay inside and take it easy.


Anonymous said…
fun stuff! is the carnival always there or just for a few weeks?
Karyn said…
It looks like a fun weekend Lera! Great photos too!!!!
Heidijayhawk said…
that certainly does look like a good weekend! wow!
Anonymous said…
Yea! And yea for some rain and a chance to relax indoors. :)
Katie Jean said…
oh looks like lots of fun stuff! We only had one rainy day here. I want some more so it's not so hot!!!!!
Sonja said…
I love summer rains. There's something so comfy about needing a blanket and being able to listen to the rain beat on the roof.
Anonymous said…
Man those kids look like they're having a ball!

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