happy anneversary! congrats on 12 years and six kids. busy 12 years huh! where does time like that go? it seems like just yesterday will and i were dating!
A big heartfelt - GOOD JOB - congrats and Happy Anniversary. 12 hapy married years is a great thing to see. It gives all us barely married (3 yrs) folks faith that it can be done well :)
I promised myself that, when I bought a box of Swiffer WetJet refills at the wholesale club, it would be the last box I bought. Something had to be done. Now, to be honest, part of the reason was to help the environment, but the other part was because I was tired of running out of those darn things. I took some towels, folded them in half cut them into 5" widths. (The towel was just about 25" or so from side to side when flat.) Then I cut two 5" pieces of elastic and serged it all together. Two layers of toweling and two elastic strips. That's it. (The finished piece was approximately 4.75" x 12.") Within minutes I had a stack of eight. Slide them on and mop away. You will have a clean floor and have saved one more thing from ending up in the landfill. Now, if I can just do something about the cleaning liquid ... Something environmentally-friendly, economical, and won't cause further pain to my arthritic back.
No, I'm not talking about "The Big Three" automakers. I'm talking about my blog birthday ! Today is my third blog birthday. Three. Years . Man, time flies. In honor of my birthday, I am having a giveaway. You don't have one chance to win. Or even two chances. You have three chances to win. I have three snowman dish towels and three bars of handmade chocolate-mint soap that need new homes. Just leave a comment (on this post) for a chance to win. If you can, please tell me how you found my blog, how long you've been visiting, and if you have a favorite/most memorable post, please share it. I will randomly pick three names some time on Wednesday. * * * * * * Wow! Where have you been all my bloggy life? I can't believe all the wonderful comments I've gotten on this post. Thank you! I wish I had 67 snowman towels and bars of soap to giveaway to send to each of you. I used a random number generator to pick the winners of this giveaway. They are as foll...
Tomorrow my littlest man has to have surgery. It all started about last summer when I noticed some enlarged lymph nodes on his neck. (My father has non-Hodgkin lymphoma , so I am extremely paranoid cautious about this stuff.) I brought it to the attention of our doctor, but she said he had fluid in his ears and maybe it was just because he was getting sick and put him on antibiotics. But they were still there. Then I took him back in for something and mentioned it again. She looked in his ears and saw fluid in his ears again, so she put him back on antibiotics. But they were still there. Joe and I watched them for a few months, and when it was time for his well checkup, I informed her that they were still there and hadn't changed. I think it was at that time she noticed some in his groin, too. Anyway, she sent us to an Ear, Nose & Throat specialist. For some strange reason, the morning of Sawyer's first appointment, he awoke with these two large, walnut-sized glands un...
(hey! that's the year i graduated high school!)
What a great picture :)
12 years...that's quite an accomplishment. :)
it's our 11th later this summer - hooray for anniversaries!