June 17, 1995

Happy anniversary (and Fathers Day), Joe!

(You can read all the nice things I said about him last year. They are all the same, except I could probably add to it.)


Heidijayhawk said…
happy anneversary! congrats on 12 years and six kids. busy 12 years huh! where does time like that go? it seems like just yesterday will and i were dating!
Me and Him said…
Happy 12th Anniversary. Congratulations.
Berber said…
Happy anniversary!!
laura capello said…
happy anniversary!

(hey! that's the year i graduated high school!)
Karyn said…
Happy Anniversary!! A a Happy Father's Day (to JOE, not you).

What a great picture :)
Amanda Jean said…
happy anniversary!

12 years...that's quite an accomplishment. :)
Anonymous said…
woo hoo for you!
it's our 11th later this summer - hooray for anniversaries!
Anonymous said…
Oh, Happy Anniversary. We seem to share a similar date. :D Blessings!!!
beki said…
Happy Anniversary!!
FinnyKnits said…
A big heartfelt - GOOD JOB - congrats and Happy Anniversary. 12 hapy married years is a great thing to see. It gives all us barely married (3 yrs) folks faith that it can be done well :)
Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful picture.

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