Yesterday we went to see the United States Air Force Heritage Brass (band). They performed a children's concert and it was excellent. Even more excellent because it was

It was held at the local art council, so after the show we headed into the "art gallery." Taylor is studying this piece of art made entirely from bubble gum. Incredible.

Carter is studying this "amateur" piece made by the patrons. The "S" on the right was made by my niece, Sheyla, and the little dot about the "A" on the lower left was Mason's. The bowl in front held the gum.

Afterwards, we headed home for a little water fun for Spenser on our deck (while the other children swam in the pool and jumped on the trampoline).

Just add water, bubbles, a sponge, and some dishes, and it equals
hours of fun. Hours.

And a little grumpy girl, who has almost completely mastered this potty thing. She is giving me the evil eye for taking her picture.
I love that picture of Spenser!
And yea! Spenser! What a big girl!
she's got a very cute little evil eye thing going.
Love the look on Spensers face. She looks so grown up!
(N's doing much better already too. Only one accident yesterday and none so far today.)