Cheery Cherry Fabric

Remember the day that I had a bunch of surprises, only one of them was good? Turns out, I had some very good surprises that same day.

That day I received an email from a (lurking) reader, Diane, who offered to send me some of her cherry fabric (now known to me as the "cheery cherry fabric" because it makes me so happy). However, Diane didn't just send the fabric. She put together a "little 'Thank you for entertaining me with your blog' package" (her exact words), except it wasn't little.

Yesterday I received the cheery cherry fabric, along with a bunch of very cool buttons, trim, ribbon, magnet, needle book, patch, notepad, Bath & Body Works aromatherapy goodies,

a very cool magazine on Louisville, fabric, a bag of yo-yo's,
patterns (including doll clothes, dresses, pajamas, chair, and misc. clothing),
and for the children's boredom bucket: gummy candies (yum!), a wooden doll to color, and some foam clothespin kits.

Diane, I am completely overwhelmed. Your kindness and generosity amaze me. Thank you so very much. You are right, the cherry fabric will look great as a skirt for Spenser with the red gingham rickrack. Must get to work on that!

Also that same day, Katie left a comment saying that she was going to send me some of her cherry fabric, because, as we all know, Katie is stashbusting. I emailed her and tried to tell her not to send it, but I think her response was something like, "it's already done, missy." Thank you, Katie.
And then, remember our toilet incidents? Well, Teresa informed me that we could just buy a toilet tank and not the entire toilet, which is saving us hundreds of dollars. We have ordered the new tank and are awaiting its arrival. (Joe is out of town again, so I'm hoping by the time he gets home, the new tank will be ready and waiting. It was supposed to be delivered yesterday, I think, but it's not here yet.) Thank you, Teresa, for your toilet expertise. With the money we're saving, I might be able to buy some fabric ... just kidding. I signed up for the challenge last night, kicking and screaming. I didn't have a choice.

edited to add: I hope you all weren't thinking I was being a cherry-fabric beggar. Truly it was not my intention. It was just the kindness of friends. (I'm beginning to feel a little self-conscious now.)


Anonymous said…
wow! nice mail, lera!
lucky you!
(i haven't signed up for the swap because i am always trying to use what i have, but i just bought some yummy japanese stuff!)
Anonymous said…
by 'swap' i meant 'challenge' of course!
Karyn said…
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Are you saying you were bullied into joining "The Challenge"?????? You probably were.

Lera. Holy Cow. That package from Diane is INCREDIBLE!!! What kindness from a stranger. I'm ALMOST speechless.

And that fabric from Katie is adorable. She's probably giving away ALL her fabric so she can be done with the challenge and buy new stuff. (kidding Katie!)
Katie Jean said…
you did get some nice mail! And I'm glad that you finally joined the challenge now that it's almost half over!!

I'm laughing at Karyn. I guess she figured me out. If I can't sew it all, at least I can give it away. hee hee
beki said…
WOWZERS! Diane sure knows how to put together a package :)
laura capello said…
holy smokeronies. i think all my drooling f***ed up my keyboard.
Anonymous said…
What lovely treasures!
nikko said…
Cute stuff! What a great package.
Berber said…
Such lovely presents... can't wait to see the skirt!
Sonja said…
Wow! Such exciting mail!
I'm trying to dodge a certain librarian; that challenge just sounds too cruel. No fabric buying? Excuse me while I faint. ;)
Heidijayhawk said…
those cherried make me happy too. what an awesome amount of mail! lucky girl!
Anonymous said…
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Anonymous said…
wow! wow! wow! i can't wait to see that skirt.

so karyn finally got to you, huh? at least you only have to make it until the end of July...
Lora said…
What fun stuff...and so neat because, well, I'm in Louisville RIGHT NOW!! I'm visiting my family. Can't wait to see what comes out of the cheery cherry goodness of it all!

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