I Spoke Too Soon!

First, look at my littlest man! And, no, he's not flipping you off. It's his ring finger! Geesh! Get your mind out of the gutter!
He's making a funny little mouth because the photographer stuck her glove-clad finger in his mouth (to which he latched on) and then she pulled it out. The result was a tight-lipped mouth. Cute, but not natural.
* * * * * * * *
Remember on Friday when I said I've never felt better? Well, I spoke too soon. For the past two days I have been fighting a raging case of mastitis. I awoke yesterday morning to the obvious pain in my breast, full body aches, chills, headache, etc. And, of course, it was Joe's first day back to work. Last night my temperature reached 102.8. I was miserable all night. I could barely get out of bed to change the baby's diaper.
This morning was no better. My temperature reached 103.9 ! I was freaking out! My mother picked up some antibiotics at the pharmacy and brought them over and Joe came home from work early. I started to feel much better when my temperature dropped to 102.2 and then 99.4 (with the help of Tylenol and Motrin, taken an hour apart). I'm still incredibly clammy and hot, but I think my fever is gone ... for now.
And last week I was worried about Spenser poking the baby's eyes. Well, her first unintentional eye-gauging victim was moi. I'm happy it was me and not the baby, but man, oh, man it hurt! I think she actually scratched my eye. She poked me Sunday morning and it was killing me through last night. (I think I was too sick today to feel anything else.)
So, if you don't hear from me for a few days, just know that I am recuperating from various ailments.
What you need is sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. And I hope you feel better very soon.
But what a gorgeous little man
Is your eye ok now?
Baby Sawyer is absolutely precious.
Lera - you need rest and drugs and some more rest. Your body goes through enough in childbirth and for all this to happen - ugh - you've been through A LOT! I hope you're feeling well soon. The weekend is almost here!