Thank Goodness it's Friday ?

Taylor was playing with the camera this morning and when I downloaded the pictures, I found this one of Taylor and Spenser (taken by Taylor). It cracks me up!

Here are two pictures of my littlest man, Sawyer. He is finally big enough to fit into his onesies. Yay for growing baby!
And this morning was his "first bath." (His umbilical cord fell off last week, but the belly button was looking a little oozy, so I opted to wait for a few more days.) He hates water in his face and getting dressed and undressed. Luckily I snapped this picture before I washed his face. It went downhill from there!
And yesterday at school, the 2nd grade had a "pajama party." They earned this party for good behavior in the cafeteria, hallways, etc. So, Carter (who did not want his picture taken) wore his Incredibles pajamas.
And this weekend I will try to sew something. I originally bought 2 yards of brown corduroy to make a new skirt to match these stripey tights I bought.
Now I think I am going to make a pair of pants, using my pajama bottom pattern (with a drawstring waist). The problem is that I don't have enough corduroy to make pants. Jo-Ann is having a big sale (starting today) and I plan return and buy more brown corduroy. Hopefully my plan will work and I will be sporting a new pair of "pants" by next week. To wear with my new shoes, of course!
And Sawyer looks like he's really unsure about that bath!
Can't wait to see your new clothes!