A New Skirt

Here is the brown corduroy skirt I made on Saturday. I tried sewing French seams, which I'm not exactly sure if I was executing it properly. It was my first attempt at this technique.

Then I attempted the same technique on my pants (from PJ pattern). I guess I didn't allow enough extra seam allowance and they are a little snug around my thighs, hips and bottom. I can still put them on, they are just a little tighter than I prefer. I tried them before I sewed the drawstring casing and hemmed them. I was so disappointed that they didn't fit exactly how I had planned, so I stopped. I tried them on for Joe last night and he said they look fine, so I may go ahead and finish them ... some time.

(And last night I cut out some pieces to sew a new fall bag. I'll sew that when I finish my pants.)

photo courtesy of my son, Taylor.


Anonymous said…
love love love it!!!!
nice legs lady!!!!
Anonymous said…
Great job, Lera! And Taylor took a great picture. I always have to go in and rotate the pictures my boys take - he did great!
beki said…
Cute! You did a great job, as did Taylor in his picture taking. Hmm, I think I need a corduroy skirt...
Anonymous said…
Look at you, skinny minny, weeks after childbirth lookin all svelt in your new skirt. That will look so cute with the tights! I love stripey tights! Where did you find them?
Anonymous said…
Fab with the new shoes.

(Yup. Nice legs, sister.)
laura capello said…
good gravy woman. after six kids you have a better body than i did in junior high.

what? you sewed something? sorry, i didn't notice. I WAS TOO BUSY STARING AT YOUR LEGS. gah.
Anonymous said…
Well LOOK AT YOU!!! miss thang....
You're looking wonderful and the skirt is really cute, especially with the froggy shoes! ;-)
Karyn said…
Your skirt looks amazing! I'm sure your pants are fine and I can't wait to see your new bag!
African Kelli said…
Good lord woman. You (YOU??) just had a baby? Your figure looks great. And I love those green shoes. Too cute.

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