Mail Goodness

Look what came in yesterday's mail!

Sara sent some little goodies for my little man. A little camouflage flap hat (from the Mailorder 4 pattern), adorable bitty booties, and some socks.

Both my husband and Sara's are in the Army, so it was only fitting for her to make the hat in camo! It is so freaking cute, too! And the bitty booties have that tape measure trim that I love. I have seen it on blogs before, but never in person. It adds a great touch. And one pair of the socks are stripey. Perhaps to go with my growing fascination with stripes.

Yesterday I went to the see the doctor about my back. Unfortunately, because of nursing, I can only take Motrin (800 mg). I can take Percoset, which was prescribed to me upon discharge from the hospital and never used, but my doctor recommends I only take it at night. There are a few problems with taking it at night, though. First, I don't really need it at night. Unless I am rolling over to nurse the baby, changing his diaper, or burping him (in other words, moving), I don't have any pain. The second problem is that I took it after having Mason (when he was about one week old) and woke up to find my shoulder blade on top of him. I was completely unaware that he was there. I could have squashed him! Joe is out of town (until tonight) and leaves again Monday morning for the rest of the week, so without him to make sure I don't squash Sawyer, I don't feel comfortable taking it. The benefits do not outweigh the risks!

My doctor said she would only prescribe muscle relaxers if I would "pump and dump" and give the baby formula. I think I'll wait it out...

And, she would recommend physical therapy, but she doubts (with all of my children) if I would have time for it. So, now she recommends that I do back exercises after my shower (yeah, right, I have kids to get ready for school in the mornings!!) and take the Motrin every 8 hours.

And guess what Spenser found in the exam room? More green gum!!! I saw her chewing something and asked, "What are you chewing?" She replied, "Gum." YUCK!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
I am sorry to hear about your back pains....
Tony is going through the same thing, except with all the kids to wrangle around... just me to bug him to death! he did go to the Dr as well, we are doing some stretching exercises at home and it seems to be helping him a little.....
Good luck and I can't wait to see the pictures!!!
beki said…
Oh no, none of those options sound good. I hope that the exercises give you some relief.
Anonymous said…
Sorry about your back. So happy about your goodies in the mail. Sending good vibes your way!
African Kelli said…
Darn it. I'm sorry your back isn't already feeling better. But yay for such a sweet surprise for the babe!
Anonymous said…
Sawyer looks great in the cap! I'll have to post pics of the munchkin in his. I don't know where I got the measuring tape was a gift in the mail, so no good source for you.

Sorry to hear your back is still hurting. It's so hard to take care of yourself when you're nursing and chasing kids! Don't forget to use an ice pack too...advice from my chiropractor!
Anonymous said…
What about a chiropractor? My chiropractor found out about my missing vertebra when my Dr. told me to just take drugs for the pain. And with some muscle release, I feel great. Also, with kids, it's not as bad there, at least in my experience, because they aren't so busy so the wait is rarely long.

I like your goodies!
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry about your back. Sounds pretty bad.

Oh, that girl...

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