I Made Something!

Try not to be too excited. After you see it, you won't be so impressed.

After painting my little table for my bedroom, I realized I didn't want to set my bedtime glass of water directly on top of it.

After mulling it over in my head, I decided it needed a doily. And then I thought how cute a red, white, and blue doily would be (and patriotic, as I started it around Flag Day). It has been quite awhile since I crocheted anything. (Other than some wire spider webs, I was pregnant with Sawyer! And before that, it was before I was had children.)

Anyway, the pattern itself was not for multiple colors, but I thought it would be simple. The changing of the colors, in itself, was simple. The finding-a-proper-place-to-change-colors, was not.

I don't love it, but it's finished and it will do until I find a different pattern. This little project kept me busy during our drive to Sesame Place, while the kids were playing outside and late at night when they were asleep. I'm almost sorry it's finished.


Karyn said…
crochet, sew, embroider, paint, make soap....is there anything that you don't do incredibly well????

You are amazing.
Anonymous said…
doing handwork is fun sometimes - we moms should all do it more for our nerves!
Jo-Anne said…
Way to go....I think it looks perfect!
You certaily are multi-talented!

Have a great day! (hope all is well)
misschris said…
Crochet is the one thing I've just decided to give up on.

But look at your doily! It's o cute and patriotic and pretty.
nikko said…
I agree with Kirsten. It's always nice to have a handwork project in the works.

Turned out cute!
Amanda Jean said…
you are being much too hard on yourself. I think it's cute!
Heidijayhawk said…
i bow to your abilities. crap. that's awesome. where do you find the time woman?!
I think it looks lovely. Funnily enough I was just looking at Etsy the other day at some doilies!
utmommy said…
I've always wanted to learn how to crochet. Very cute!
Anonymous said…
very cool. i'm not sure my eyes could take that kind of strain.

though i too enjoy handwork while the kids are outside.
Tori Leslie said…
Hey that's really nice! When do you find the time?? Your a multi talented Mama!!
Brandy said…
Hi Lera! I think it's really great on your red table there. Such talent you have!
Shannon said…
I am a crochet girl so I am fully happy with your doily! Nice work and great idea for your water.

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