
So yesterday I spent the morning and afternoon at parent-teacher conferences. I met with ten teachers, I think. I kind of lost track. It was the first time I had met some of them, so it was good to go. (We were on vacation when they had their back-to-school, meet-the-teacher days.)

Anyway, the boys have off of school this week and we've been playing a lot of games together, like:

Who stabbed this apple with a pencil? (No one confessed.)

Who peed on the toilet seat? Who peed on the bathroom floor? And, Who peed on the toilet seat, again?!? (No one confessed.)

And Who had a bloody nose and dripped on the bathroom floor and didn't clean it up? (No one confessed.)

But, seriously, Who stabbed the apple with a pencil? That's all I want to know ... Besides why?

Have you played these games before or do you have your own you'd like to share?


nikko said…
If I had a nickel for every time I cleaned up pee... I'd be a rich woman. :o)
Lora said…
I bet it was either "Not me" or "I didn't do it" because those two hang around our house a lot!
Anonymous said…
LOL about the apple, someone who was booorred!
Katie Jean said…
haha. I can only imagine what it must be like with 5 boys, because one is messy enough. Except when I ask questions to Isaiah it goes something like "did you do that" "yeah" "why" "i don't know, why?"

it's pointless ;)
Anonymous said…
We have a 'Not Me' living in our house, and oh boy, he/she gets into a lot of trouble!

On another note... you have 5 sons and you really wonder who/why? :-)
Anonymous said…
you just made me spit coffee on my monitor.
I don't think I'll be able to not giggle when I look at an apple from henceforth.
oh lordy.
Anonymous said…
My 5 yr old nephew/foster son was accused of lighting the bathroom garbage on fire at his moms house. He was adamant that he did not do this at his mothers. She brought him to me,the wanna be detective. I started out with dont worry your not in trouble but I just want to talk to you. We started off with does your mom have matches? He, said, "yes". Do you like school? He said, "yes". Does mom have q-tips in the bathroom? "yes". These questions went on and on and then I asked him," Were the Q-tips on fire before or after you put them in the garbage"? He said, "before". I said, Oh, so you did put fire in the garbage? He said, "yes". What a sad little face.
kira said…
LOL. My daughter does that ALL the time! I have to hide the apples when we buy them or we'll literally go thru ten in a day. Good luck finding the culprit.
Miranda said…
One time we played, "Who put the legos in the toilet?" Come to find out it was a guy known as "I think he did it."
Anonymous said…
My head would spin if I went to that many teacher conferences. You know, I only have 2 suspects to interrogate, and I can never find the perpetrator, so I hate to say it, but I'm not hopeful you're gonna get to the bottom of any of this.
Anonymous said…

here's my lateset:

who ate the last piece of chocolate?!

ok, turn your backs and look away. now raise your hand if you ate the chocolate.

no movement but a quiet "Jack needs to raise his hand, Mommy."

and later she confessed to doing it herself!
LOL at the apple. Hope you find out who did it...maybe all of them!
Jo-Anne said…
We have played "where's your homework?", who's turn is it to feed the dog?", and "why is the kitchen floor sticky?", MANY times over the years.
Mark had an imaginary friend named Bojo that was blamed for many a thing. Bojo still stops by every now and then!
And as for the pee...I finally told my boys that if they couldn't hit the hole, they had to sit down to pee. They took much better aim from then on.:)
onegirliegirl said…
Our favorite game with 3 boys in the house is "who pee'd on the toilet seat, again?". It really is the overall winner, because everyone can play! Including little Kelly who likes to get off the toilet before wiping...drip, drip, drip :)
Anonymous said…
Haha! Everyone is innocent, aren't they?

A while ago at our homeschool co-op I had to stand in front of everyone and try to find out who threw the sandwich in the toilet. Of course, no one confessed, but i just about laughed my head off. It was too ridiculous!
Amy Siegert said…
Oh Lera, this made my day! And I thought having ONE boy who yellows the toilet was our house "Not Me" stuffs the toilet with too much toilet paper.
Karyn said…
I'm laughing. Poor apple.
Kris said…
Oh that game. It drives me crazy! With eight suspects to interrogate it can be quite a long game! One day (some years ago now) I burst into tears as it was all too much and their soft hearts melted and they started confessing to all sorts of things. I always promise them that no-one will get in trouble for telling the truth, so no-one got in trouble and ever since then we haven't played this game. Don't ask me what happened, perhaps a seed of truth was implanted in every heart? Crying worked for me!
Amanda Jean said…
who stabbed the apple...I haven't heard of that game before. fun times. :)
Willow said…
That's about as fun as the "who threw these clothes on the floor when the hamper is less than two feet away?" game.
edeenut said…
oh boy, I have one 6 yr old. he's a sneaky one and I always know it's him and not the baby who stabs the banana with a pencil. Just had to comment when I saw your apple (I leark every now and then) and the toilet? I won't even get started.
Anonymous said…
We have a very talented cat. I can leave doors open, not put things away, pee on toilet seats, stab apples, leave lights/tv's on...You get the picture.

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