Happiness Is ...

Yummy, yummy apple cider from our local apple store. (I love that apple-headed man! He's been the same forever.)

Homemade applesauce with apples from my favorite apple-headed-man store.

A little girl, whose fever may have finally broken, wearing a pink hat with some new pink birthday sunglasses (that I forgot to give to her until yesterday afternoon).

Excellent test grades from Jackson (97% and 100%) and Mason (96%). I guess they get their smarts from Joe.

Happiness is ... soccer season is ending tomorrow. Taylor has his soccer tournament and it looks like we might have mild weather (if it doesn't rain). Last year I nearly froze to death at his tournament.

What is making you happy this week?


LunaMoonbeam said…
1) My baby slept in nearly two hours this morning...
2) It's Friday! That means Pizza at Costco for dinner!
3) My baby is happily sitting next to me and not asking for "bunny movie", candy, cookies, chocolate or anything else I don't want to give her at 9:30 in the morning
4) Getting ready for #2 and #1 is done with bottles AND the crib.
5)Half a loaf of fresh pumpkin bread and half a loaf of fresh white bread on the counter. Yummy, yummy carbs!
Anonymous said…
Frequent naps!
Scott's birthday
Good weather
nikko said…
Oooh! I bought apple cider this week, too. So yummy.

Soccer season is almost over here, too.

I'm getting a haircut today.

It's Friday.
Anonymous said…
1. Nice weather in November...i will be riding the motorcycle.
2. Friends like you.
3. Kisses from my kids.
4. Friday....pizza day
5. Beautiful leaves falling
Karyn said…
Is that the apple place WE went to??? Oh my, that was fun! (and yummy!).

Spenser is SO friggin' adorable, I hope she's better soon.

And what's making me happy? Not going back to work today and the secret plans that you know about.
Me and Him said…
-A letter from a friend I haven't heard from in a while
-plans for fondue dinner with friends this evening
-talking to my mum and dad in Australia two nights ago
-no plans for the weekend, except to read and sew
-cookies from the 5 year old next door

Enjoy your weekend.
Jo-Anne said…
WOO HOO for those fantastic test scores! Good job, boys!
Glad to hear that Spenser's fever finally broke. She looks fab in those glasses.
I made some home made applesauce last week. It lasted for a record time of about 2 hours. It was super yummy.
I'm with you on the subject of long pants....capris or skirts for me. However, our weather is a tad more cooperative. ;)
misschris said…
My big girl's musical performance last night. A nap this morning. Donuts. A crafting day tomorrow. And some other stuff, too...

I hope Spenser feels better soon! Poor girl.
Anonymous said…
Having some energy back finally so I can clear backlogs of projects, catch up here and post some more pics.

Hubby has just barrelled the cider he's been fermenting, so the house smells sort of appley mixed with the sausage casserole we had for dinner's smell. Very Autumn!
Brenda said…
My husband's knee is getting better.
It rained.
I lost 2-1/2 pounds (18 more to go)
Grandkids are spending the night.
Love the pics of Spenser in the sunnies. The applesauce looks very yummy!
Amy said…
I came upon your blog while searching out a pattern for pj bottoms (post from 2006). I just spent the last 10 minutes or so peeking about. Great blog, great pictures, and cute kids. Thanks for the escape.
Kris said…
Happiness is ...

A husband who looks after me when I am sick.

A comfortable bed.

Children who sing/whistle when they are happy.
Amanda Jean said…
I'm thinking I should read my bloglines more often. this post is from last week??? little spenser is adorable in her pink sunglasses.

the appleheaded man is pretty funny.

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