So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.

Tomorrow is Mason's birthday and party. We have been busy beavers getting ready for his first "friends" party. (Poor guy, with a birthday right before school starts, it is always too hectic to pull together a real party. But this year I promised him. And, as crazy as it is in my house, I am so happy that I kept my promise.)

He's having an old-fashioned birthday celebration.

Details are forthcoming.

"So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it." (Anyone recognize that famous quote?)


nikko said…
Oooh! It looks cool! What is a pizza omelet?
April said…
Willy Wonka!
Looks like fun, hope it goes well!! Happy Birthday
Myrnie said…
I haven't seen that version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in FOREVER! :) Can't wait to see the rest of the party, it looks adorable!
utmommy said…
Looks like it's going to be a great party!!
Amanda Jean said…
i have a boy that's turning 10 (TEN!!!) tomorrow. i have the same problem with the party thing. ugh. it's not easy to plan this time of year.
misschris said…
I love all the details for that party, Lera. It looked wonderful.

And of course, the WW quote. One of my faves. xoxo

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